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J u ne 5, i 974 <br />PLANNING REPORT <br />CASE NUNlBER: 829-74 <br />APPLICANT: ,1oe Koalska <br />1016 West County Road B <br />Roseville, Minnesota <br />LOCATION: South of County Road B, East of <br />Lexington Avenue {See Sketch) <br />ACTION REQU�ST�D: Division of a Lot <br />PLANNI NG CC�NSIDERATIONS: <br />1. Mr. Koafska owns an existing lot parcel with i55.13 feet of fr�ntage on <br />i-he south side of County Road B and extending 297 feei- to the center of <br />Burke Avenue extended. He proposes to d'svide the Eot so as to create a <br />new 1 ot fronti ng on Surke Avenue . <br />2. Because his home is set far back from County Road B, he propases to divide <br />the land so as to create a lot with 85 feet of depth fronting on Burke Avenue, <br />jhis lot line would then be 54 feet from the rear of his existing home. He <br />has a buyer who wishes to construct a house on the newly created lot which <br />would have 155. �3 feef of frontage on 9urke Avenue. <br />3. You will note from the dimensions on i�he {ots to i-he west of fihe property in <br />question that a normal division down the center of the lot would create lots <br />of 128.5 feet of depth. Obviously, the closer the division of the land in <br />question could %e to the centerline, the more equal the two �ots created <br />would be, <br />4. The proposed lot to the south would have a square footage of approxima#ely <br />13, ] 75 square feet, which is 2, � 75 square feet over ihe 1], 000 square foot <br />minimum required in Roseville. <br />5. 1t is possible to site pfan a home on an 85 foot deep lot in a satisfactory manner, <br />given the fact that there is 155.13 fe�t of frontage. We suggest questioning <br />the applicant, however, to see whether or not it would be possible to add <br />additional depth to the 85 feet proposed. Normally, the minimum lot depi'h <br />for a buildpbie �ot (with �ypical frontage) is 100 fesf. <br />