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�.y za, 1��� <br />Mr. Roger Jensen <br />Peterson, Bell u Converse <br />].48fl Narthwestern Bank �Idg. <br />St. Pau1, Ma.nn�sota S�lal <br />Dear �ger: <br />S�ction I7b.011, Sub. 9(5) of the M�innesata 1�►orkmen's <br />Comp�nsation Laws requ�res �hat we pass an ord.inance or <br />a resolution to include our �eleCted ca�mcilmen. �ider the <br />1'+lorkmen's Comper�sation coverages. I�t i.s aur desir� to h�.v�e <br />aJ.l, our paid emplayees, incZuding the cauncil people, cowred <br />by WorkemenTs Campensation. since �e hav+� been unabie to <br />£and a previou5 ordznance or resolution ta that effect, we <br />woul.d appreciate yaur preparing the necessary ardi.nance or <br />resolution �o ensure Chat this coverags is Feaily in effact. <br />If you hav+o arry q�stians, please call me, <br />Sincf:reiy, <br />Lbug Lawe <br />�ldminzstrative Ass�s�ant <br />