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� <br />\` � <br />� � <br />�� �� , G� <br />l�'� <br />\ J <br />� <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA 7 <br />8ubd. 6. (1) "Commiseion" means the workmen's compez►sation com- <br />mission of Minnesota. <br />(2) "Division" means the workmen's compensation division of the <br />department of labor and industry. <br />(8) "Department" means the department of labor and industry. <br />Snbd. 7. Commissioaer. "Commissioner" means a member of the <br />eommisaion. <br />Snbd. 7a. Compensation jndge. The titla referee ae used in chapter <br />I76, relating to workmen's compensation is hereby changed to compensatioa <br />judge. <br />Snbd. 8. Compensation. "Compensation" includes all benefits provided <br />bq thia cha ter om sccount of i'ury or death. <br />Subd. 9. Employee. Employee means any person who per�orms <br />aervices for another for hire; and inclndes the following: <br />(1) an alien; <br />(2) a minor; ' <br />(3) a sheriff, deputy sheriff, coneiable, marshal, policeman, fireman, n <br />connty highway engineer, and a peace officer while engaged in the enforce- <br />�nent of peace or in and about the pursuit or capture of any person charged <br />with or auspected of crime; <br />(4) a county asseseor; <br />{6) an elected or appointed o�'icial of the state, except members of the <br />atate legislature, or oi anp county, city, town, village, borough, school <br />district or governmental subdivision there�n but an ofl'icer o# a poliiical <br /> elected or appointed fox a regular term of ofizce or to complete <br />the vnexpired portion of any such reguSar term, shall be included �nl _a��fter <br />f.hP Rnvernin� hodv of the nolitical subdivision has adopted an or ind a' n�ce r <br />(6) an executive officer a# a corporation; <br />(7) a volunta.ry uncompensated worker, other than an inmate, render- <br />ing services in state institutions under the commissioner of public welfare <br />and state institutions under the commissioner of corrections similar to those <br />o�f officera and employees of such institutions, and whose services have been <br />accepted or contracied for by the commissioner of public welfare or the com- <br />misazoner of eorrections as authorized by law, shall be employeea within the <br />meaning o# this subdivision. In the event of injury or death of any such <br />voluntary uncompensated worker, the daily wage of the worker, for the <br />purpose of calculating conipensation payable undcr this, shall be <br />the usual going wage paid at the time of such injury or death for similar <br />services in institations where such services are performed by paid employees; <br />(S) a voluntary uncompensated worker engaged in peace time in the <br />civil defense program when ordered to training or other duty by the state or <br />any political subdivision thereof, shall be employees. The daiiy wage of the <br />worker for the purpose of calculating compensation payable under thia <br />chapter, shall be the usual going wage paid at the time of such injury or <br />death for similar services where such services are performed bp paid <br />emplopees; <br />(9) a volt�ntary uncompensated worker participating in a program <br />established by a county welfare board shall he an employee within the mean- <br />ing oi this subdivision. In the event of injury or death ot any such volnntary <br />uacompensated workcr, the wage of the worker, for Che purpose of calcula� <br />ing compensation payabie under this chapter, shall be the usual going wage <br />r� �t <br />� $ ,, � . <br />n <br />t <br />�-_ . <br />..�- - . <br />:�� <br />� ? <br />, � <br />s , <br />.� 3 <br />