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REQU�ST F4R COUNCIL QCTIOtV <br />AGENDA SECTlON: ORIG3NATING p£PT./DIV.: <br />Reparts and Recommenda�ians Public ':larks <br />ETEM NO.: ITEM DESCRIPTIOi�t' <br />_,- Patentia7 Change in Curb far 5tate Farn �oad, Proj. P-73-2Q <br />bAiE: �U�° �4, 1974 <br />❑EPT.HEAD APPROVAL. <br />� 'I �- <br />REVIEWEp/ RECpMMENDS : <br />Last year, as part of the County's a•r�d�ning o-F Coun�y Road G, jus� east of Sneliing <br />l�v�nu�, the Count_y �ut in a�proxir�atel,y 150 fPet of S�a�e Farr� Road, nortf� of Caunty <br />Road C�. P,osevi 71 e i�as al sc� a;varded con �racts far t?orE: i n ti�� s ar�a for th� t�i �te�i r�c� <br />arid constructing of State Farm Road and Coinr�prce Stree� in tne area. Unfortunat��y, <br />as t�e Countv di d i ts U�ork on County Road B and State Far� Road, i��our�d that t��� <br />funds for the Sta�e Far�m portion wouid have to be entirelv Co�ant.y fun�s, ti�iitn no <br />contribi�-�ivn fron th� State. This resulted in appr�x�mately 150 feet of t��e o�tsi�ie <br />curb being done ��rtth an asphal� n:ater�al, rather than a concr�te ��a�erial. <br />t°�e ti�vi 11 now f�ave t}�e si tuat� on w��ere the Ci ty �orti on of State Farm t'oa� wi 11 have <br />concr�te curb anc! gutter un to that poin� jus� nor�h o� �ounty Road B; and, the <br />County i•rark U�i 1 i nave concrete curb and gut�er o�� Countv �taad a i n ti�e returns an <br />State Farn �oad, bu� there wi i 1�,e only asptlal t curb i n bet���n tf�ese porti ans. . <br />The situation, �rhile acce�tabl? fran� a structural standpoint, zrill look sarnet�ir�at odd <br />to the general citizenry. <br />!Je have di scussed thi s vai t}� the County and tney say that thev tivi 11 tiave no funds <br />ava�lable to r�place ihe asphalt curb rrith cancrete curb and gut�er. .�le, therefore, <br />i nqui red v�i th our contractor doi ng the tvork on State Farm as to �.+hat �e wau7 d char�e <br />to make 'th� s repl acemer►t. !Je were i nformed that i t ti•roul d c�st $2. 00 �er 1 i n�a] foot <br />to remove the existing as�hal� curb and gutter and tha� he �rould nut in �he ne��� <br />concrete curb and gut�er for the cantract price of �3.I5 per lineal foot. 7his would <br />come to �5.15 for tf�e approximately 300 l�neai feet o-� curb and guttEr that would be <br />required, for ap{�roximaie1y �I,550.00. <br />J�CTIO;J R� ElESTED <br />The Counci 1 coul d i nstruct tl�e Pub1 i c l��orks Department to pursue one of ttilo ca�rses <br />af actian: � <br />(1) Im�le�ent the rep7acemen� of the bituminous curb ti,rit� concrete curb <br />and gutter throu�h the exis�ing contract for State Farm Road. <br />{2) Leave the existing as�ha1t curb and gutter as it is. <br />