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REQUEST FOR COU�ICIL �CTI��! <br />AGENDA SECTION: ORIGINA7ING D�PT./pIV.: <br />Reports and Recornrri�ndati or�s <br />Pu�l i c !lorks <br />!7 NO.. ITEM DESCRiPTION: <br />�_.�� Fa1 con Hei gizts Sar�i tary Se�ver Connecti on <br />DA7E: June 24, 197� <br />DEPT.NEAD APPROVAL. <br />L (�' % � <br />MGR,�R�VIEWED/ RECOiviMENDS : <br />As t�le accompani ed 1 etter i ndi cates , the Ci iy of Fal con Hei c�f�ts �•ai s�es to hoakup <br />ta the �;osevi7ie sanitary sea�ler arr ti�e nort:z sicie af Rosela�•:Jn, just east of <br />�1 evel and llvet�ue. Thi s cor�necti on t�roul d be to serve a park s�tel ter bui 1 df n�1 i n <br />�neir recently proposed park Qn iJie soutSiQast corner of Cieveland and �os�lavrn. It <br />has been past �ractice for Rosevilie t� charg� user; in ot��er conmui}ities special <br />assessrF�ents i n a r�anner� sin�i 7�r to t�at charged our cf ti zens for havi ng the avai 1- <br />abi l i ty of s ani tary set.aer faci 1 i ti es . It has not been possi bl e, hn�vever, to fi nd an.y <br />�as� f�i stor„� ti•lnere thi s connecti on was made �y the muni ci nal i ty i ts�l �, ratlier t�ian <br />private land owners. The only kn�wy� previous �nstance of shared use of utili��es <br />tiri th Fal can i-iei gh�s was several years ago �lhen the ►dater7 i ne or� Eiaml i ne Avenue ��►a� <br />constructed to serve botn Falcan Heic�hts and �asev�lle ciiizens. 7his �ras reso�ved <br />bv eacji communi ty pay� ng 50°b of t�1e cos ts and d�al i ng s��i -�h tf�ei r o�vr� pra�erty oi�r�ers . <br />I Siave prepared sev�ra1 ai �ernatl ves ►Alhi cn coul d b� ut-i 1 i zed i n determi ni ng +�r�at <br />speciai assessr��ent s�oul� be cl}arged; i-F it is the cour�cil's d�c�sio:� to charge any <br />specia� assessr�ae;�t at all. <br />�ecaus� of tf�e unusual r�a�ur� of ���e nrof3le;:i ar�d tl�e extremely 7arc�e siz� of tlie area, <br />�izere i s sar,�e nu�sti on t�ri�ethzr ti�z ��lhole front foo'�a�e sl�oul d�e used and tli� enti r� <br />area in deterr�ininc� tfie assGssn��n�. <br />llitQr�iate ;lo. � ijiis t�ro:�ld be to consicier �F�^ ��rcei as an e�uival�nt of <br />a t��pi cal s i n�� � farni 1�� at ��,hi c�� ±•aoi�1 ci hav� a s i ze of °� -Ft, t�y 7.5� ft. [Jsi r�n th� <br />ca�cula�ior� of u� front f�. x$5.05 snecial assessrnent h�r f�at, t�lis ti��oulc{ resu1t in <br />a cost n� �514.25, in assessnents. <br />AltGrnate ;do. 2 l�ssuzning the �arcel to be a fro��tage �arcei, �•:�17C�1 ��rouid <br />be 290 ft. d�ep, as currentl_y develo�eu, an� lu5 ft. �r�d�, ti����icf, t•rould be th� area <br />s,�rvGd b�, �I�� s�t•�2r ti�r6�icii f7o+.�fs easterl�i, a tota7 cost af ;�3�.75 ��o�1�i E�� fo�nd. 7i�is <br />resul �s frorn 3.35 ft. x:�5.05/f��. +.'�3 acres x�<<Q�/ac. for trunl: b�n�fzts beyond ZSO <br />feet of de�t��. <br />;1] t�rriate ;lo. 3 ;lou3 � be �:a assu� �� the oui 7 di nn ��,�ou� d u�i 1 i ze t��e seti�rer <br />+r�r'r�ic,� flo�ras ��:esteriy. T;�is t•�oulci resu�� in a tat�i assess��ent o� $�,030.5J be�r?R r�ade <br />up of 53 � ft. of fror�tage 1��� nc7 serv?d ��� t�i s se��Gr x$6.25/f�. , �Ar��i c�� �•aas ciiar�7ed the <br />Roseville resident, + �..67 acr�s.x ;400/ac. . <br />� Alternate ��la. � 3loulcf la� to fo1lot�� t�re standard procedurb as if th�s t��ere <br />a privai.e prop�rty o+:•rn�r an� ti�iould resu3t in ar► assessi�e��t of $9,179.25. T�is ti�rou7d <br />�e r�ade up o-� ].35 ft. o-F -Fronta�e a� �£i.05/tt. -� 53� ft. at $6.25/ft. +�;�e enti re I2.5 <br />acre �arc�l a� �40Q/ac. <br />It i s anti ci �ated ti�at a re�r�sentati ve af f"al con Eiei �hts t�i 1� be ai �hi s��aeti n� �o <br />�x�ress their concern and outiinz their re�uiren�nts. <br />R�CO��ti'1�;�lDCD �CTIi��J: <br />�'hat t�� Co�rnci 1 anprove Fal con i�,ei g��ts co�necti ng to th� sani tary se�•;er s��ster7 <br />ar�d that ,41 t. ��Jo. 2 be fo� 7 oi•r�d i n regarcE to i�� s�eci al assessr�e��t _as tni s t�,+aul ci b�st <br />prov� �� a rati or�al and �'ai r approac�r ti�1}=i c�i coui r� be uti 1 i zed , i n the futut^e for ot�er <br />s�n�ilar situatioi�s. <br />