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AGENDA SECTSQN: <br />������7� ��i'� ����'�+�� s�9� i ��� <br />ORIGINATING DEPT./�1V.: <br />Reports £; Recommendatians l�dministration <br />ITf"�1 fJO.: k7EM DESCRfPT10[4: <br />t - .���, <br />'Fabulation o� Bicls - $allfield Lighting <br />M��T1iVG ,�u1 15, �974 <br />DATE: � <br />DEPT,H�AD QPPRQVQL. <br />MGR. REVI�NJED/RECOMM��J�S: <br />� r .. . . . '' . _�___ <br />Attached to -�his repart is the tabulation of bids receilred to provid_e lighting �ar the <br />athletzc fields in Central Park. <br />The Recreation Camrr►ittee, a� its Jun.e 24th meetir�g xecornmended that f.he appa_rent loi4 <br />bidder, Electric Serv�.ce, be awarded the bid in the amount o� �5�,38�-. <br />The amoun� budgeted for this item is �30,OQ0 and �he Central Park Fauadation tari7.1 <br />cantrzbui.e �5,000. The ac�ditianal amoun� needed is $18,384, <br />The bi.c�tiaas -�horoughly reviewed wi�h the purpose ident�fying areas of cost reduc�ian. <br />Several. areas were identi£ied and discussec� t� the cansultant. His respanse (attached) <br />recommencls against such changes in the bic� . <br />"1'his iten had also been budgeted in last year (1973) and it �s believed that rejection <br />of this bid `aou�d not resuJ.t i.n any savings in st�bsequeztt years. 1'he �asic reason for <br />the bid exceeding budgetc:d funds is ati�ributed to inflation. <br />The 1974 Parks F� Recxeation Capx�a� Outlay Eudget (a��ached) Las been reviewed and it <br />is possible that $15,000 could be taken. �'xom these accounts �=i.'thout seriously impa�ring <br />the I974 pxogram. I`here has been a re-evalt�at3on of the "Ice Surfaces for Qutdoor Ri.nk�" <br />far �10,000; and it is anticipated that an additional $5,OQ0 would be available from <br />other projects. T'he remaining funcis could i�e transferxed fram thc Co�t�ngency Ftu�d. <br />Actxon Requested: Mot�xon ap�roving the award o.f. �he apparent low bi�1 <br />to �lectric Service in the amount of �53;384 ta <br />pravide and install bail�ield �ightzng in Central <br />Park; and '�he financing be provided as follaws: <br />1974 Capital Ou�1ay Budget $45,000 <br />Cont�ngency Fund 3,38A- <br />Central Park Fo�mdation 5 D00 <br />53,38 <br />