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MEETINu <br />���L.��w�� ��� �����,.+1� ������"�i DATE: �-Z6-7� <br />AGEN�!> SECTI0�1: ORIGiiUATIfiG DEPT./pIV.: DEP7. FiEAD APPROVAL. <br />Organizatzona_1 Business Adntin�_stration �1r�,�_� <br />I7 N0.' lTEP�1 DESCR�PT10�1' MGR. REVIE4VED/R�C011iME�VpS: <br />C-2 PZanning Comm:i.ssiozl Resign.ation <br />The Counci.l has pxeviously received a copy of Mr. Popets resi_gnatian fxom the <br />P7.anning Co�nmissian. T%e Council r�ay de�ire to accept the reszgnation and <br />establish a date for a ne1,� member ancl a Plannirig Commission Chairman. <br />