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��ill.'"11^�f �_�],, 1�}rll,. <br />Ci�.izen Feedback P�ro,Ara� <br />Cit,y of Rosevil? e <br />27�1. �I �,e�i.rbton <br />Rosevi�Ze, ��7inn. 55�-�-3 <br />Gen�lemen: <br />D����� <br />� <br />� <br />AUG 2 0 1974 <br />OFFICE ofi CI7Y MANA��R <br />Ros�ville. MinroeSpt� <br />'!'h� article in your Roasvi�.le Newg ��ter es;oeciaL� irzteres�ed. �e <br />�ecause i� -�he :�ast �eia wee�Cs I have had occasion to ta�k to a lo�t af <br />peo�Ie abaut the Cit�' of Rose�ille, �uring -�hese discussions� the <br />g�estion has bee�� raised many t�es b� various neo�le. iidhat are they <br />tryin� to make out of Rosavi�le. Just becuase we �rer_t fx�am the VilTage <br />of RoseviJ.le �o the Ci.t� of Roseville� are we �e��ing so high tonecl tha� <br />tha reasQn for nost of us moving out of �'�e city; namely, aur childre� <br />and a more re�axed a�osphere, is being forgotten. <br />As you prvbaial� al.ready �zessed, �he reason I havc�>bee� �talki*�g to <br />people .is about horses in Rosevil?e. �ee people objected �o a horse <br />being �ep� in Rose�nz�.le, and a Variance was den3.ed and no he�p£�1 suggestiQn <br />was for�Ehco� from the City or �Ehe Council excep� we will chpck and see <br />how mar�y more children hava horses in Roseville breaking the ordinance <br />and the� we wi-].l �cake then unhapp� too, sa tha � yav�' are not <br />tZn�'La?�py tt? an8. ��e �too peop3-e lhat o� jeet,2d could nnly see �.ha ho�e when <br />beir_g riddsn ;�ast th2i?' house. �.'her? axe c'oL�1�� trat nunber t�ha sa� the;� �n?o_y <br />tk�e horse. A nei�ht�ar across irom the pastur�ng area says he can see f't�Y'�h�s' not�r t�� <br />ever because the h�rs� kseps �',he iar_d�rbs� do�an �n tY�is e�n�ty ? ot. Bes�cles that <br />�hev jusi� ?c�nd of ?_ike� -to �ra� the horsa gr�ze. Qthers hav� s��.� tneTr enjo�' <br />taa'tc:h�na �:he gi�ls �oo:n thz�_r horsas a�d tr;T to �eac�Z �he�► �ric�s. L�t?�ers <br />ha�e cane and offe�ed '�a buv the dS�O�r.�i n?S tk�at thesQ two peo�le c� jQc��d <br />to seeS..nR along the road, <br />T-t brings u� �.he q�a�stion af t�rhat 'cirid of an ��aga are t�re �t�in¢ to �a?�e. <br />Yo�a. �e??� d�' a n�w and an;��o�er� i.*�a;e, ?�fse�f� I Gras a�iaays k�.nd �.£ �ror:rd. <br />of t.he i�za�e �,re had, and r:a�y other oaop�.e fes� �hQ sa�e. I�^ea�iza tYzat <br />?r��7z havP to ha��e �ro%;ress and. uhat �,ra�►rass �a?ces changes. But ??o p?.�ce <br />� n th:.s ar�ic�e do I see w'nere �r� taar_� tn giv� �he i��ression i:hat '�oseTr�_? �!_e <br />; s a han�y res� �er_ta1 araa far raisi�g hapr,y ch7-ldxen and rr,ai.ntai�zing a <br />hi�*n.,s�and�rd in �ur ?tosPVill� Schoo?_s. ?�Tn�n z•re �oved hsre, �ne a�' t�:� <br />r�a�o.�s �.te �.a�? so taas �he s�andard of the Rase9�1�?._e 5chool„S,ystem, l�hich <br />in tha ;�asfi �'c�t.� years nas �o��e do�,�n c�_zs�ci-:ra�:�;�-� Ins�ead o� zm�ressin� a�d <br />at-�e?��ting �o ��tract ne�� b��.siness t'�rough brochur�s, reparts, ?7�.20�0�?'�b�5 <br />an� atc, 1e�ts re-eva�_u�te our Schoo? Dz.strict, �e+ rzci ai .,�ame of th�se <br />experi3r!enta� rro�rams and ge� back ta tne �ain iss�xe, aur childr�n. �iee�in,� <br />them ir_ �ood schools w;nere thPy learn and have nro��r discipJ_ine, gi�i.�g <br />th��rt a rea�an to be biisy wit� activites �hat �,ri�I kezp them <br />a�•ra,�r from the shonpin? centers, an� hanging out at our beaches and s�Ereet� <br />eorners, and ���rin� the bL�sit�ess r�en in the erea a bad t�_r�e. r�fake it so <br />sending �our children to the heach �to �m, me�ns yau do no� have to po <br />to t�!e beach also, as i�t is sa f�z:L7. cf ran�;ar or.s, �eelers and fc�llowers <br />you. cannot ai? nw a teen a�e �;irl t� be trere a�ane. <br />T.,e-�s ir?prr�v� ou-r ima�e bv� dai:�g, not bj� sL enc�in� :�o�e� to ; sho�a. S�Tarc� <br />of mou„�Z :is ��e b:��,� ad�ertisemQnt, ,ye�. Zt �•ras ror� .for man�' �rs a d <br />has �een f ou.rzd ;o be the bes'� y�t -�oc?av . �=-- �.5� L'G'��-4''�,� <br />J. s . i�Ia�.lace 3�terlc <br />L,.oq ?Iar�dr-aff <br />Rosevi� le� P�In. �SI.� 3 <br />