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R�QI���T F�� ��U�CIL. � A�Ti{J�1 <br />AGEiVDA SECTIpN: �dRIGINATING OEPT_/DiV.: <br />Repor�s and Recommendations Administration <br />DATE:Sept. 16, 1974 <br />DEPT. HEA��VAL. <br />{ N NO�� I I7EM DESCRtPT10N' p�anning Commission reCOmmendation regarding I MGR. VI wED/RECOI�MENDS: <br />�---`-� �gricultural uses in R-1 zone � <br />0 <br />The Planning Commission at its September 4 meeting rECOmmended adoption of the <br />fo3.lowing use as a special use in the R-1 zoning district: <br />"Agricultural uses, excepting commercia� animal farms, fur farms, <br />kenneis, poultry £arnis, and feed iots, bu� including truc3c <br />gxadening, gxowirzg o� nursery stocic, arboretums, and other horti- <br />cultural uses. Any new buildings ancillary to agricul.tural uses <br />sha1J. not exceed 500 square fee� in area, nor be less than 50 feet <br />£rom a property line. No retail sales or structures for such <br />purpose shall be allowed as an agricultural use. The keeping of <br />farm animals shail not be per�r►itted except as allowed in Sec�ions <br />14b.010 and 201.060 of the Rosevilie City Code." <br />The Planning Commission instructed the staf� to verify wi'th the City Atiorney <br />that the Ordinance would not require a homeawner to obtain a special use pexmzt <br />for a private garden on his property. �tr. Will Converse has verzfied that no <br /> use permzt would be required for a private gaxden. I£ the Counci). de� <br />cides to incorpora�e this change into th� zonin� ordinance, the following <br />motion is suggested: <br />Motian instxuc�ing the City Attorney to prepare an amendment <br />to �he zonzng ordinance in�orpora�ing agricultural uses as <br />a speczal use in the R-1 zoning district as recommended by <br />the P�anning Commission. <br />