<br />E-i Curley Moved, Demos Secanded, that Ken Reinhardt's request for
<br />rezoning fxom R-1 to I2-3A at 2395 IVorth Da1e Str�et be se� for a
<br />public hearing on September 30, I974. Roll Cal]., Ayes: Brennan,
<br />Curley, Demos, Hess and Linebargera Nays: None.
<br />E-2 Curley Moved, Brennan Seconded, that the bids on the one sedan
<br />wh�.ch were opened an August 28, 1974, be rejected. Roll Call,
<br />Ayes: Brennan, Curlsy, Demos, Hess and Linebaxger. Nays: Noneo
<br />E-3 Hess Moved, Demos Seconded, that the Mayor and Manager be authorized
<br />to sign the amended agreement with the City of Arden Hills for the
<br />supply of water serviceso Roll Ca11, Ayes: Brennan, Curley,
<br />Demos, Hess and Linebarger� Nayso Noneo
<br />E-4 Brennan Moved, Cur].ey Seconded, �hat Paymen� No. 3 of 1973 Series
<br />S to Irwir, Montgomery � Sons Construction be made in the amount of
<br />$21,297e43. Rol� Call, Ayes: Brennan, Curley, Demos, Hess and
<br />Linebarger, Nays: Nonea
<br />�-S Curl,ey Moved, Brennan Seconded, that Payment Noe 3 be made to
<br />C, 5e McCrossan, Inc. in the amount of $40,221042 on Improvements
<br />P-73-I9, P-73-20 and SS-W-P-73-21e Roll Call, Ayes: Brennan,
<br />Curley, Demos, Hess and Linebarger. Nays: None,
<br />E-6 Demos Moved, Hess Seconded, that Ordinance No. 734 amending
<br />Section 146.045 of the City Code of the City of Roseville be
<br />adoptedo RoZ1 Ca11, Ayes: Brennan, Curley, Demos, Hess and
<br />Linebaxgero Nays: Nonea
<br />E-7 Cuxley Moved, Brennan 5econded, that the second and final payment
<br />be made to B F� B Excavat�ng Company in the amount o£ $3,148a90 on
<br />Project SS-73-27� Ro].1 Call, Ayes: Bxennan, CurZey, Demos, Hess
<br />and Linebarger. Nays: Noneo
<br />E-8 Brennan Moved, Curley Seconded, that the following xequests be
<br />referred �.o the Plannzng Cnmmiss�ono
<br />ae Fotomat Corporation var�ance to sideyard setback at
<br />2765 North Hamline Avee
<br />bo Yoava Klucsar request for rezoning from R-2 �o B-3
<br />special use permit at 2590 North Lexington Avenuen
<br />c, Country Kitchen rezoning from�B-1 and R-1 to R-6 at
<br />2257 Rice Stree�o
<br />d� DarreJ. Farx Corporation amended special use pexmit
<br />165Q Highway 36�
<br />and
<br />a�
<br />Roll Cal]., Ayes; Brennan, G�xley, Demos, Hess and T,inebarger.
<br />Nays: Noneo '
<br />E-9 Linebarger Moved, Hess Seconded, that the Mayor and Manager
<br />acc{uire Paxcel #4 {Hammersten pxoperty) for park acquis�tion in
<br />the sum of $3,000 and that the baTance of the appraisals be
<br />re�erred back to the Park � Recreation Committee. Roll Call,
<br />Ayes: Brennan, Curley, Demos, Hess and Linebargero Nayso None.
<br />BIDS
<br />A1�NDMENT
<br />'I'0 ARDEN HI LLS
<br />I�NT
<br />PAYME NT
<br />NQ. 734
<br />PL,AN�IING
<br />