<br />Regular Meeting of the City Co�ci1 - September 30, 19740
<br />The c�ty counc�l met an the abave d.ate with the foTlowing
<br />members present: Mayor Linebax°ger, Councilmen Br�ennan, Cu�le�,
<br />Demos and Hess.
<br />A-1 Brennan Moved, Hess Seconde�, that the minutes of the meeting o�
<br />September 16, 1974, be appx°ovede Rall Call, Ayes: Brennan,
<br />Curley, Hess and Linebarger, Nays: Noneo Abstentions:
<br />Gouncilman Demos as she was absent from the meetingo
<br />B-1 G�.irley Moved, Demos Secanded, that the �°ecYuest for rezoning �x°om
<br />R-1 to R-3A at 2395 North Dale Str�eet by Kenneth Reinha�dt be
<br />approved. Roll Ca11, Ayes: Curley, Derr�s and Linebax�ge�� Nays:
<br />Brennan and Hess o
<br />B-2 Brennan Moved, Hess Seconde�� that the final plat at 250 Ow�s�o
<br />Boulevard, "Tschida Owas�o H�.11s #3" of Samuel Cave be appr•orred
<br />asid the Mayor and Manager author�zed to s�gn. Roll Ca1T, A}res:
<br />Brennan, C�.iriey, Demos, Hess and Linebargero Nays: None�
<br />C-1 pemos P.4oved, Hess 5econded, that the date of Oc�ober 28th
<br />res-Corecl for a council meeting nlght and November ll�h be
<br />cancelled as a regulax°ly schedule meeting night; and that
<br />Attorney be instructed to prepare an ox°dinance which would
<br />form �he City d.esignated legal halidays �o the State Law�
<br />Ca11, Ayes: Brennan, G�rley, Demos, Hess and Lznebaxgex�-
<br />None.
<br />�
<br />�Yhe
<br />con�
<br />�i1
<br />Nays:
<br />C-2 Brennan Moved, Hess Seconded, that P�x�sa Pat Johnson be appoin�ed
<br />to the Roseville Planning Cor,Emission� Rall Call, Ayes: Brennan
<br />and Hesse Nays: Cu�°ley, Demas and Linebargero
<br />Demos Moved, Curley Seconded� that Mrs� Carolyn Giishing h� appain�ed
<br />to the Roseville Planning Commi�sion to ii11 an unexp�.r�d t�rm which
<br />wi1J. end an Ma.x°ch 31, ].975. Roll Call, Aye�: G�r�].ey, �r�mo� anci
<br />Linebarger. Nays: Brenna.n and Hesso
<br />7:30 PoM,
<br />MTA�[JTES
<br />FINAL �LA'T
<br />' "TSCHIDA
<br />OWASSO HILLS #3''
<br />MEEI'ING
<br />E-1 �.irley Moved., Brennan Second.ed, fhat the Artorney be in�� ru�ted to PROI�QSID
<br />prepare an amendment to the zoning ox°d�nance %ncorporating agricul- ORDIIVAI�CE
<br />tural uses as a special use in the R-1 zonxng district as recommended
<br />by the Planning Cor�ission, Ro11 Call, Ayes: Bxennan, Cur�.ey, Demos,
<br />Hess and Lukebarge�°. Nays ; None e
<br />E-2 Curley Moved, Brennan Seconded, that Resolution No� 6267 e�tabT�shing
<br />compensation for the Cod.e Enforcement Officer C1�ssifi�ation as
<br />$].,16U per month and the Community Code �fficer as $Z,130 per
<br />month and also trans�erring $3,036 from the equity of �he Cont�ngency
<br />Fund to the Code Enforcement Division Operating Account be adoptedo
<br />Roll Ca11, Ayes: Brennan, Cux°ley, Demas, Hess and Lineb�r-ge�o
<br />Nays: Nonee
<br />E-3 Hess Moved, Demos Seconded, that the Central Par�k Project Fropos�l
<br />submitted by the Roseviile Chamber of Conrr�erce dated. July 24, 1974,
<br />be approvedo R�o11 Ca11, Ayes: Brennan, Curley, Deraos, Hess and
<br />Linebarger. Nays: Noneo
<br />N0� 6167
<br />