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AGENDA S�CTION ; <br />REQI�EST ��R C0�9f�ClL A�TI�lV DATE: _.,� LI-I�s- /4 <br />ORIGINAFING DEPT./DIV.: <br />Reports F� Reco�aendations Aclminis�rat�on <br />I�EM NO.. 17EM DESCRIP710N: �97� COi1�Ta.Ct ti�rith Teamsters Local 320 <br />". _ J representing the Bargaining Unit for Police <br />Sergeants <br />A� APPRQVQL- <br />MGR. REVIEWEO/RECOMMENDS: <br />Attached is � copy af the contrac� approved by the Sergean�s bargaining unit on <br />Tuesday, �ctober 22, covering the periad January 1, 1974 �hru Decerr,ber 31, 1974. <br />The prolonged negoiiations resulted fxom the delay in getting the patrolman <br />bargaining ur�it contract se��led and from the clisagreement over the dollar amount <br />of the differential to be paid ta the sergeants abave the top base wage far the <br />patrolman. The Contract caZls for a 7.1% increase in the benchmark wage equal to <br />the manthly ti,rage of the to patrolman and then establishes the c�ollar di£ferential <br />far the sergeants xank at �Z25 per month. This is a�25 per manth increase in the <br />differential above the $100 �aid under the 1973 contract and se�s the di�ferential <br />at the same amount paid. to first Iine supervisors in the street, utilities, and <br />parks departments and at the golf course. The remainder of the contract is identical <br />to that cavexzng the patrolmen bargaining unit except that we have continued the lid <br />on longevity payments for the sergeants which does no� apply ta the pat�olmen <br />bargaining Lmit. <br />Act�.an Req�es�ed: Mo�ifln authoxizing the Manager to sign the 1974 contrac� <br />with Teamsters Loca1 320 covering the Police Sergeants <br />Bargaining Uni.t. <br />