<br />Regular Meetzng of the City Council - October 21, 19740
<br />The City Council met on the above date with the fallowxng
<br />memb�rs presen�t: Mayor Linebarger, Councilmen C�.irley, Demos,
<br />Hess and Brennano
<br />A 1 Gurley Moved, Demos Seconded, that the minutes of the meeting
<br />of Octaber 7, 1974, be appraved.o Ro11 Ca11, Ayes: Cux°Iey,
<br />Demos, Hess, Brennan and Linebarger. Nays: None.
<br />E-1 Hes� Moved, Brennan Secon.ded, that the request of Thoma.s Scholl
<br />�or a minor variance to sideyard se�back at 1056 Wes� 5herren
<br />Avenue be approvedo Roll Call., Ayes: C�r1ey, Demos, Hess,
<br />Brennan and Linebargero Nays: None,
<br />�-2 Demos 1•�oved, Hess Seconded, that the request of Marvin Bullick
<br />fo� division af a 1ot at 2823 Ag1en Avenue be referred to the
<br />Plann�ng Cormnissiono Roll Call, Ayes: Gixrley, Demos, Hess,
<br />Brennan and Linebargero Nays: None.
<br />E-3 Bx°ennan Moved, Demos Seconded, that Resolution Noe 6175
<br />receiving petition and calling for a feasibility report on
<br />the request �o�° underground ornamental street lights on
<br />Heznei Drive from Sandy Hook Drive to Heinel Drive East be
<br />adopt�do Roll Call, Ayes: Cur�ey, Demos, Hess, Bxennan and
<br />Linebar�ger , Nays : None e
<br />Em4 Cur�ley Moved, Demos Seconded, that the proposed Sto Paul Bus
<br />Route No� 34 be approved and the Metrapolitan Transit Corrnnission
<br />be requested to implement the service along this rou�e as soon
<br />as possibleo Roll Call, Ayes: CurZey, Demos, Hess, Brennan and
<br />L:inebargero Nays: Noneo
<br />E-5 Bx°ennan Moved, Hess Seconded, that the request of the M7.nnesota
<br />Highway Depax°tment f'or closure of Glen Hil.l Road east of Snelling
<br />be appxovedo Rol]. Call, Ayes: G�.arley, Demos, Hess, Brennan
<br />and Linebax°ger o Nays : None ,
<br />E-�b Demos Moved, Brennan Seconded, that �he City Attorney's op�nxan
<br />regax°�xng the leas�.ng of of£�ce space be placed on fYleo Ro11
<br />Ca119 Ayes: Cur�Tey, Demos, Hess, Brennan and Linebarger. Nays:
<br />Noneo
<br />Ec7 Hess Moved, Brennan Seconded, that the licenses be approvede
<br />Ro11 Call, Ayes: Curley, Demos, Hess, Brennan and Lineba�°gero
<br />Nay�: Nonee
<br />Ci arette Machine
<br />Thermoform Plastics, Inc.
<br />North West Star Vending
<br />Vending Machine
<br />Thermoform Plastics, Inc,
<br />��)
<br />7:30 P.M.
<br />N0. 6I75
<br />SNELLING -
<br />ROAD
<br />