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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTIQN °AT�: �l�ig-74 <br />AGElV�A SECTION: ORIGkNATING DEPT./DIV.: QEPT. FiEAD APPROVAL. <br />Repoxrs F� Recorrmiend.ations Administration <br />j : NO.: ITEM DESCRiPTiON: R�]110Va1 of Hazardous Buildings OIl M R. REVIEWED/RECOMMENDS: <br />� _� Certain Property ��'�'�''' <br />Buildings located on the so ca�.lea "SchuJ.ze Property" near Clevela.nd Avenue and <br />County Road D are recorrtrt�endecl to be razed and removed from said property. <br />It is the opinion of the s.t�f£ that the �onditions on the praperty constitute an <br />attxact�ve nuisance and are a hazard to public health and safety. <br />The Fire Chief reports that the Czty has expended $7,888 over the 22 months <br />in direct fire fighting costs because of fires breaking out on this property. <br />Action Requested.: Adoption of a resolution instructing the Mayor and <br />Manager to execute an order which directs the awners <br />to remove all hazardous conditions by January 15, 1975, <br />and if the order is not camplied with, the City Atiorney <br />will move the District Court for enforcement of the Order. <br />Note: If the City is successful in District Court, the City wiJ.l <br />proceed to have the hazards removed and the costs incurred <br />�or such removal will be assessed against the praperty. <br />