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CITY OF R06E�lILLE <br />Regulax° Nlceting of the City Co�cil � November 18, 1974 0 <br />The Gity CoLmc�l meti on the above date with the following <br />members present: Mayor Linebarger, Councilmen Demos, Hess, <br />Brennan and Curleye <br />A�1 Hess Moved, G�r1ey Seconded, that the r►anutes of the regular <br />meeting of October 28, i974, be approveda Ra1� Ca11, Ayes: <br />Demos, Hess, Brennan, GY.irley and Linebarger, Nays: Nonee <br />AW2 Demos Moved., Hess Se�onded, that �he minutes of the special <br />meet�ng of November 6, 1974, be �pravedo Roll Call, Ayes: <br />Demos, Hess, Cur�ey and L�nebar�gero Nays: Noneo Abstent�ons: <br />Brennane Councilman Brennan abstained as he was absent from <br />�he meeting. <br />Ma.yor Linebarger px�ocla�med the Week of Novembex 24 - December 1, <br />1974 as "National Bib1e Week"o <br />B�1 Curley lubved, Brennan Seconded., that Darrell Ao Farr�'s reques� <br />for arnended special use permzt at 1b50 Highway 36 be continued <br />unti� the rr�eeting of November 25, 1974o Ra11 Call, Ayes: Demos, <br />Hess , Brennan, G5�r1.ey and Linebarger � Nays ; None a <br />B�2 Demos Moved., Hess Seconded, that Yoava Klucsar's request for <br />rezoning from R-2 to B-3 and �pecial use at 2599 Nor�h <br />Lexington Avenue be continued until the Decembe�° 9, 1974, �o�ci1 <br />meeting and the applicatzon be referred back �o �he Plar�n�.ng <br />Comnission for review and reco�runendatian on the revised plan at <br />their Decembex° 4, 1974, meeting and that notification be ma�Ied <br />to a11 property owners within 3S0 feet of �he prape�°ty in question <br />regar�dir�g the Planning Comnission heax°inga Ro11 Ca11, Ayes: <br />Demos, Hess, Brennan, Curley and Linebarger. Nays: Noneo <br />Demos Moved, Hess Seconded, that the City staff and Planning <br />Commission study the �easibility of developing an ordinance for <br />a mobile home zorung districto Roll Call, Ayes: Demos, Hess, <br />Brennan, Giirley and Linebarger. Nays: Nonea <br />D� I Br�ennan Nbved, (�rl.ey Seconded, that the �°equest of Rc�1and Fleck <br />for extension of special use permit at 242Q Cotmty Road D to <br />June 10, 1975, be appxovedo Ro11 CalZ, Ayes: Demos, Hess, <br />Bx�ennan, Curley and Linebargero Nays: Nonea <br />�ml Hess Moved, Demos Seconded, tha.t ResolutYOn Noa 6178 directzng <br />Ellerbe Architects to proceed with the balance of the contract <br />for the neRa city hall be adoptedo Roll Call, Ayes: Demos, Hess, <br />Brennan, Curley and Lineba�°ger� Nays: Noneo <br />Brennan Moved, Hess Seconded., that t.he City Manager be authvrized <br />to sign the agreement with E11e�°be Architects for d�szgn an.d <br />�onstruction se�°vices for Fi�°e Station #3o Roll Cazl, Ayes ; <br />Demos, Hess, Brennan, G�Zrley and Linebargere Nays: Nonea <br />7:30 P.M. <br />I�IINUTES <br />PROCLAMATION <br />DARELL FARR <br />YOAVA <br />KLUCSAR <br />SUGGESTID <br />ORDINANCE <br />ROLAI�D FLECK <br />RESOLUFION <br />N0� 6178 <br />A(�EFFMENT <br />