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-2- <br />1T IS F`URTHF.R RE50LVEU that the Ci.ty Manager and Mayor <br />may, on behalf of the City, execute all Joinder Agreements with said <br />employees and o�hEr eligzble officials and offzcers, are necessary <br />for said pexsons par�icipation in the plan, except that any Joinder <br />Agreement for the A�ager shall be executed by the I�Iayor. <br />'17�e mot�_an for the adoption of the foregoing resolution <br />was duly seconded by AiEmber and upon a vote being <br />held thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: <br />and the folloti�ing voted. against the same: <br />WHEREUPON, said xesalution was declared c%u1.y passed and <br />adop�ed. <br />STATE OP NiI��'NESOTA } <br />) 5S <br />G�OUNTY 0� RANLSEY ) <br />Z, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting Ci�y Pnanager <br />of the City of Raseville, Ramsey Coun�ty, Minnesota, do hereby certify <br />that Y have carefully corr�ared the attached and foregoing extract a£ <br />minutes af a meeting of �he CiLy Coiuxc�l helcl. September 16, 1974, with <br />the oxiginal thereaf on fzle in r,iy office, and the same is a full, <br />true anc� complete transcr�ipt therefrom insofa� as the sa�ne relates <br />to Deferred compensation for certain af its employees. <br />WI�TESS �ZX HA1�ID and the seal af said City this 2bth day oi November, <br />1974. <br />James F. Anc e <br />City h�anager <br />SEAL <br />