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December 4, �974 <br />PLANNING RE�ORT <br />CASE NUMBER: 850--74 <br />APPLICANT: Y�ava Kk��sar <br />2590 North Lexington Avenve <br />Rosevi{le, Minnesota <br />LOCATION: West of Lexington Avenue, South �f the <br />Burlingion Nori-hern Railway Line (See Sketch) <br />ACi'ION REQUESTED: Rezoning from "R-2" �to "B-3" and Appraval <br />of Speciaf Use Permit for Expansion of a Mobile <br />Horne Court <br />PLANNING CON�IDERATSONS: <br />1. At the last meeting of i�he Pianning Commiss'son yoes wilt recQll, the Cammissian <br />voted against approva) of ihe mobile home covrt rezoning as proposed 6y #he <br />app! icant wii-h his inifiial design. A rsduced copy of that des�gn at a scale o�' <br />1" equals 1�0' is atfached to this report and labeled "originc�l plan". <br />2. Prior to the Counc�l meeting of November 18�h at which time the re�oning reques# <br />was to be heard, the applicani submi�ied a revised design accom�anied by a letter <br />dated November 12, Z9i4 from the applicani-'s attorney, A capy of this leti-er is <br />attached, as well as a reduced copy of the "revised plan". 7he lefiter, yau will no��, <br />identifies seven ehanges in �he plan previously cliscuss�d in concept with #he staff <br />a�d th� Pianning Commiss�on. The seven changes, as you will note in �he ietter, <br />are basicaily: <br />a. Reduction of tl�e number of units from 1 T4 to 304. <br />b. Realignment of the infi�rnal s;re�ts ta respect ths sewer easement thraugl� <br />the pro�serty. <br />c. A r�otation for "pass�ve recreai-ion uses" in i�he wooded area near the <br />southwest corner of i-he property. <br />d. The moving of the stree� systern away from t�e pond on the wesfi side of <br />�he site. <br />�. Changes in paricing areas (OGa�i011. <br />f. The removal of a unit contiguaus ta t}�e propbrse tank. <br />g. A rede�ction in c�ensity and enlargernent of the lot sizes a�ong the soufih <br />side. <br />3. At the request of the City Manager, wa prepareci a memo to the City Council <br />on November 14th, a copy of which also is ai-i-ached. 3his merr�o recommends thai <br />�' in view of the substantzai change5, that the Council refer the proposal back to the <br />Pianning Com�nission for a"fair evaivat�on". You wiil note thai prior fio preparing <br />� the memo, we ciiscusssd the proposal wii-h the a�pfican!'s aftarney, who verbally <br />