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� �.... <br />FACTLIiY DESIGN NOTES <br />The Minnesota Environmen-�al Sciences Foundation, <br />Inc. (�7ES�T}, in collaborativn with i�orty, <br />Elving & Associates �HEA), is prepared to <br />develop p7ans and drawings for a nature inter- <br />pretive center in Central Park, <br />Regardiess of project scope, our exper�ence <br />has taug�t us ihat the success of a�rojec� <br />is depender�t on deveioping a mea�ingful 7evel <br />of 7nvolvement and communication with our <br />ci ient. We work to�vard an "invo�ver�ent with <br />purpose" to match the extensive background and <br />expertise af our professional staff with the <br />experience and insight of our clien�. It �s <br />thi s cambi nati or� o-� i nputs , thi s meani ngfu1 <br />invalvemeni, which leads ta creative soTutions. <br />Our staff works ►���th the c7ient io react or <br />act, ta respond or initiate, as the problem <br />rrrarrants. Our systematic approach to planning <br />i�nposes a rigorous discipline in the defir��tion <br />of objectives and the col3ection and interpre- <br />tation of r�ata. 7he arc�i tectural , er�g� neeri ng , <br />and p�anning disciplines are �he organiz�ng <br />elements -�hraugh which the parts and pieces af <br />iniellec�tua7 arrd creat�ve input are brought <br />together. b!e strive to establish a visual <br />order which responds to our client's �echn�cal <br />requirements and can accor��moda�e diversity <br />wl�i7e mainta�ning cohesiveness. <br />The collaborative efforts of MESFI and H�A have <br />led ta the dev�7opment of The Environmental <br />Collaborative (�EC). In order to satisfy the <br />ini-�iai �^equest o� a praposal for services, <br />we submit Proposa�s 3 and 4 as alterna�ives <br />for th� Central �ark Foundation to consider <br />in the design of a nature int�rpretive center/ <br />building. <br />� <br />� <br />