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THE LAKER <br />Vo1. III, Na. 14 <br />�.=':�'> - - - = - - = - - - <br />::-..: .... . . .. <br />,;;;:�>::;:,;:::::>�-<..:, :.:,..::-:<;,� ..:._,. <br />�%>, .... . b � ' ; _� <br />. .. : ... ." ' i o- <br />:.: r <br />��t� �� � � -� �a �1 �t1!]�.. ��py',; <br />�� �J;� � �'0 TIIE � � w ` �}` � � � � <br />�.�-J l 2� 4' 4,h �� <br />�:�°::<:�::;:��-:;<F<->;;-...:�-:::: ,,.>., _ .<t.::.:::.>:.;..:.:::.�.,: <br />� � � , ,. .._ .,.. ,.. .,�: �<. , ._,;;• , �,�..w,� <br />D$ar Ec3itor_ June 28, 2974 <br />_ Th� (�resAntation by Cart Vogt ot the Minnesota <br />En��*a1 Sciences Foundation, Ine. at the Mound <br />City Counci! meeting oa June 25 tvas weli done znd wel3 <br />received. <br />j was pl�ased to find that tt�e basic conce�ts t had <br />envision�.d whe:t o��e o,3pr•,dted the nlan were ir_corpor�ied <br />and that seversl exciting n;;w �spec#s had been add�d as <br />� .zvetl. <br />, As a r�temt;er Qf t}ie execuliye comrsiit!ee of the <br />= N�innesnta Env;ronmental Education Comrrtittee and the <br />doi�t lidvis�r}• Cou��scil, I h�ve haci �:'r.e o�rportunity fo study <br />�n� �Use�ve cevera] ar.:as and ptans ti�at are dedicated to <br />the �ron;otion of Et�ti�ironrvcntai ];8ucation. <br />I consider the Lost iake Prnject to be a si�niticant <br />de��arturc f!•orn ifie norm tliat incorporates efements that <br />atre »ot canzmon ta rt�ost other ptans. There are: <br />1� A mulii-phased plan #hat presenis a logicaf <br />progres�ion concepttealEy, developmentally and financia]- <br />�y. <br />2. It represents a considerable asset to `the � <br />ce�aRnnnity not or�fy as an emrironmentai learning center � <br />bt�t aisa a rne#hnd of pres: rvin� a rnassive stornz water r�n <br />off, area that if ]ust fhrough comrrsercial develoPm��t <br />ivoul� cust the tayp�yers a tremendous arnount of capital <br />to rcplace as rcquired by present Lal�e A4inneto�ka <br />CGt35CCi•Z�ip❑ I)ESTTICt, <br />3. F{is.orica.' background anc! ertviroamenta] educa- <br />tion zre ttniteti in a signif�cant way. 'i'F�e stady and display <br />cer.fer that is prc�jected for the futiire cou]d rea�ily <br />incnrporait: z a�ostc>]g�c anci ecfucatio:tal photogra�hic and <br />�'isua] presentztiun of i}er earty days on Lai�e Ninnetonka, <br />�'he o�d sf�: rnu�at channel that ru[�s lhroa��lt Lost Lake is <br />an importsnt tie in wii}� the �ast when dozens of <br />steambc�ats ai�� ihQU;:ancis of tourists filled the cnormaus <br />l:�tcls in lhcir �iu,,�tE�p �f �hc cxeitemertt snd scenic besutv <br />of Lakc h3inne(on�:a. - <br />� <br />�"�""�a <br />f------ �-- � —•� .�� +�a�� � <br />' ` � <br />Wednesday, ?uly 10, i974 <br />4. "Fhc concept af asing eiectrically pQSVered pouteon <br />hoats to fraverse a water roufe tCail zhraugh the arca as <br />u�cl1 as I,6p0 ft. a; foot fraii is exceptional and a�t exceflent <br />approach fo solvang a major , problerr� at many <br />envir�amental cente <br />rs. <br />Often the f�li bene�ts of a ce3iter is avaiiat�le onpy to <br />those who are fit enough tu endure a viborous hel:e down a <br />nature trail. <br />�'our p3an makes it possib�e fo: the 1•er}. youi�g, the <br />handicapped and the senior citizens to enjoy the a_rea f�Ify <br />as we11 as �hose ►i•ith grcater enduranee. <br />This ccnter wouid be a unique exsr;�ple e� v:h�t a <br />progressive cornmunitv can do to pror_lote envi;onnien;al <br />education, recreafioii and to preser��e natural heauty og <br />their area. <br />This is an exciting plan and I sincerely hcpc t5at ihe <br />Mound �ouncif and t�e gvlound resid�nts see t7i to ioll�w <br />thro�gh and Fnake #his dream become a reality=, <br />Your trtcl� , <br />Jo;in ;;c� uia <br />Editor's iVote: John Kutola is a fornter Mound rr� y�r`��no <br />wa.s ir►strumental in IEdYIRa tne I,�st Lakc stu�y� u;,,�[. <br />