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AG�NbA SECTION : <br />nep�rts and R�cornmer� <br />1A fVO.: fTEM DESCRIPTION: <br />E-7 <br />rL������ ��� C���t���� �l����� DATE:'t-r-i�r <br />INATING DEPT./pIV.: <br />DEPT.HEAD APPROVAL. <br />�� �:� r� <br />MGR, REVIEWEb/RECOMtvIENDS: <br />—=�7 � <br />In 797D th� pu6lic service com�r�ission ordered a railroad crossin� protection signai <br />for tn� Burl i ngton �Jort��er� Li nes urhere i t crosses V� ctori a j ust i�orth af County Rd C. <br />ihis was or�ered under Public Service Cammission order R-2895, D-1923C, file # F-7055. <br />As part of the determinatian i� �vas decided that the City�s share wou7d be 10% of the t <br />cost 4yi11Cf1 has be�n cnm�ietecJ at ��4,072.4�, This u�rould m�an that the Ci�ies sh�re <br />is �i,407,25. <br />Council Action R�ques�ed: Approval of � payment �o Burlington iJorthern Inc.. <br />in the amou��t af �1,407.25 far �ull payment in <br />regard ta if�e instaliation o� crass�ng signa�s at <br />the. �ur7 i ng�on ?dorthern !.i n�s at Vi ctori a i denti fi ed <br />as Pubiic Service Commiss�on order R-2895, D-1923, <br />fi 1 e�` f-7 055. <br />._ <br />