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R����ST F�� �C�U��C�L ��T'i�� °A��: - - <br />AfENDA SECTIO[V: ORIGINATING QEPT./DIV.: DEPT. HEQD APPROVAL. <br />� <br />Reports and Recornr�endati ans Publ i c i�Jorks Di rector ti--- �'�� <br />Il���n NO.: ITEM D�SCRlP710N: MGR. REVIEWED/REC�MMEN�S: <br />E-9 �' <br />Relocated bus rou�e n�ar Rice S�r�et ,,�°�lC_ <br />The Lorenz bus service ��rho operate the �ice Edger�on Lin� hav� requested �ne <br />reloca�ian of a segm�nt of their existing bus route bet���een Rice Strzet an� Da]e. <br />Ttiey are requesting that rather ��ar being on ilinnesota Avenue , tF�at t��s segnent of <br />the rou�e would be on Coun�y Rd 62. The reason fo� t�is is the problem of entranee <br />and �x�� to Rice 5tree� pr�,marily and h�w t�is a-ffects their sch�duling durinq heavy <br />�raffic hours. <br />Tc•ro ot�er additional good points associated with �hzs proposed change would be tne <br />p7acing af the route on a road with a nine ton design ra�her than t�Iinn�sota Avenue <br />�vhi ch i s only an ai 1 mi x roadway pl us t�e �Fact that �hi s woui d than n�e2t the exi sti ng <br />�1TC bus route ai tne carner o-F Qale �nd County Rd 82 and provide a means of inner- <br />cor�necti ng the sys�tsms . <br />The Ci ti es traffi c cornmi ttee has revi e�ved thi s req uest an� fi nd i t acceptabl e. Mr. <br />Janes Lorenz, owner and operator af the iine wfll atte�n�t ta be -�n attendanc� �or ii�e <br />i��onday nz gi�t Counci i t-leeti ng ta answer any questi ons . <br />Councii Action Rec�uested; Approva7 of t�e prcposed relocation af tne Rice <br />�dgerton Lfne betw�en Rice Stre�t and Daie <br />from Piinnesota Avenu� to Caunty Rd B2 <br />