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� <br />RELFASE OF EASEMENT <br />The City of Rosevil[e; a rnunicipai corpqrations <br />being thc grantee of an u�zdergrau�d uti[ity easement <br />dated February 28, [958, fifed o� recqrd Apri[ 24, ig5g, <br />in Boo� i576, Page 355, Docuxneni No, [452654 does her�by <br />who[�y and con:�p�eteiy reiease ai[ righ�s grantec� hy said <br />easemento <br />Dated: <br />�.r �a wa w.rn `»�+w til+Mnei tiMl?�wo w�+�y fl►�ef w�a <br />Mayo r <br />ST:ELTE �F 1vIINNESOTA) <br />) SSo <br />CQUNTY OF RAMSEY ) <br />r� �r �y r fi b r � w�+ M W � A!1 M � w Y+ �s �+ 1e� � Yf �"l M <br />Manager <br />On. this - - day of � - �g7�. <br />l�efore me a No`�a.xy Pub[ic �vit iin an or s �a T'Caunty personatty <br />appeared Ga[e Linebax-ger and James Fo Andre, to me <br />personaiiy known� who heing eac�� by me du[y sworz� did say <br />that they are xespectiveiy the Mayor.anc� Manager of the <br />municipa[ corporation named irz the foregoin� instrument <br />at�d that the sea[ afffxed to said instrument is the corporate <br />sea� v� said xnunicipa[ corporation, aud that said instrument <br />was signed and seaied in behaif af said municipai coxporation <br />by authority of its city Coun�_:f [ and said Ga [e Linebaxger <br />and James F. Andre ackno��v[ed�ed said inst�-urnent to be the <br />fx�ee act and deed of sazd munici�aE car�orationa <br />.s.......-. e�.v.�..H n«r�►��.. «.�r... � N»...w.+...w.. w w w <br />Notary Puh[ic, Ramsey Caunty, <br />M�n�esota <br />