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AGENDA SECTiON: <br />1�G�.:VZ !.� l� J�C'•l..Vl:f11LCj1(1.�:�.1VILJ <br />� <br />A4 NO.: <br />d— � i� <br />�r�M ��scRiPr�orv: <br />���IJE�T ��?F� ��iU��IL ��Ti��V DAT�: ��-1�-/=� <br />GINATING DEPT./DiV.: <br />��uit� - - <br />Mr . ���e�vin Sauve's request �or minor var- <br />iance ta varci se�back at 1885 Dellwood <br />DEPT. H�APPROVAL. <br />i <br />MGR. REVIEVVED/ RECOMMENDS = <br />/ �;� . <br />� <br />��r. Sauve proposes to coxistruct a new tuck unc�er garage with bearooms abave and <br />convert his existing garage �o a fl�i1y roam. The propased addxtion would came <br />tiri�hin 2�9" of his sideyard. prope�rty line. , <br />N1x. Sauve's nezghbox�s home a� 1875 Dellwood �s lacated 6`9" from the property 1ine, <br />therefare, if fihe variance were appraved the homes would be 9'6" apart. To <br />accommodate a Y.uck �mder garage, A�r. Sauve �aould be required to do extensxve <br />excavatian anc� graclix�g. The construc�Cion of a retaxning wall would also be needed <br />on the of h�s driveway adjacent to his neighbor's yard. Mr. Sauve indicated <br />at the minor varxance board meeting �Chat he fu�ly understaod tha� excavating would <br />be reauired and that a retaining walJ. would be necessary. <br />N�. Sauve's neighbor at 1875 Dellwood has signed a sta�ement �ndicating that she i.s <br />not oppased to the vaxiance. - <br />The Minor Variance Iloard recommends approval of th�s rec{uest wi�h the cnndition <br />that a retaining wa1Z whzch meets the requirements of the Rosevil�e Public Works <br />Director, be construc�ed an the side of Mr. Sauve's drzveway adjacent to the fxont <br />yard o£ the home 1oca�ed a� 187� Dellwoad. <br />Because the proposed addition will come within 2'9" o� �he property line an.d.because <br />o� the excavation xenuired for the cons�xvction af the dxiveway for the tuck under <br />gaxage, the Coun.cil members may desire to view ths site �irst hand. Drawings will <br />be available at the Coun�il meeting should you have any questions. <br />Council Action Requested: I!4o-tivn (approvxng) (aenying) I�ir. Melv�n Sauve's <br />reques� far minox variance fo side yard seiba�lc <br />at 1885 Dellwood. (If the Council decides to approve <br />thzs reques�, you may desire io include conditions). <br />0 <br />