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A��FNDA S�C7i0iU: <br />�; ��:;:vC;v�S <br />������-r' ��s� ��������... �� a ��� <br />� � �.� <br />pRIGI�VA7lNG DE�T.%D1V.: <br />Pua7 �fv j�Jur-ics <br />ITEiv1 IVO.: � I�EM GESCRiPTfOV' <br />, ��" � Amenclr�ent to wat�r ratA ord-i nance <br />C�A7E" �`�C. �E�, <br />DEPT_ Ii�AD AP�ROVAf�. <br />� l.! j' <br />MGR. REL'SEWE-Q �RECfl{th*��E;v�:,: <br />The Ci ty o-F St. Faca7 r�cent7 y i ncreased. ,i ts raies for �iaier t�rl� # c� i t <br />supRli�s to �asevil7e by almost 27%, effective Decer►b�r 1., 1974.. 7�is means <br />that in a 12-r�on�n perio�, ��e ti•�ili have ta pay approxirnatel.y $111,00.00 nore <br />for ►ra�ter t�an in th� �rzvious year. <br />A stud�� has been campl�ted ti�hich ind�cates t}�at �o comper�sate �or the <br />added exp�nse, it would be necessary to adjust the fees for �F�e users fror� <br />��¢ to 63�. 7his adj�stment wouid char�e�e the average resideniial wat�r users <br />biZl fror� the current �5�.00 per year to ap�roxinately �6�..50 per year, or, a� <br />increase of 7ess than �2.00 p�r quarter7y bzl� on average. To 7essen the ��pact on <br />same of the 1 ov�ler vol ur�e users ,�he fi gurz of a mi ni mu� c�arye of �8.00 �er q�arter <br />7s suggested, rather than the existing �7,35 per quarter. _ <br />Ir is further suggested that this adjustr�eni be �f��ctive as of D�cenber 3, <br />3.974, as this is the date tha� tive began paying th2 �iqher cost to St. �'aul. It <br />shoUld be noted that this increase wou7d on]y be approximately ].42�, ratner t�an <br />the 270, whic� S�. Pau] has passed to us and that the incrAas� ir� th� minimum <br />bi7ls would be even 7ess tha� this ar;iacant. <br />Reco�mer�ded Acti or� _ Approvai of ar�endments to S�cti on b6. 3Ip {�.} and <br />Section 66.420 �3} of the City Code of t�te City • <br />of Rosevz77e, as outlined in tt�e attached docume��. <br />. <br />