<br />E�2 Brennan Moved, Hess Seconded, that the ptablic hearing on Countxy
<br />Ki�chen's x°equest far x�ezoning from B�1 and R�•1 to R-6 at 2257
<br />Nor°th Ri�e Street be established for January 13, 197So Roll Ca11,
<br />Ayes: Hess, Brennan, Curley, Demo� and. Linebarger. Nays: Noneo
<br />E--3 C�r1ey Moved, Demos Seconded, that Marvin Bullick's request for
<br />division of a lot a� 2$23 Aglen Sireet be appraved with the
<br />condition that 15 feet of property be ded.icated for right-of�way
<br />purposes on Oxford Streeto Ro11 Call, Ayes: Hess, Brennan,
<br />C:u�ley, Demos and Linebax�gero Nays : None o
<br />E�4 Brennan Moved, Hess Seconded, that a pui�li� hearing be est-
<br />abl�.shed on LaRose Corporation's request for special use permit
<br />at IQ82 Dionne Street for Janua�y 13, 1975, Roll CaII, Ayes:
<br />Hess, Brennan, G4irley, Demos and Linebarger, Nays: Noneo
<br />E-S Brennan Moved, Demos Seconded, �hat Resolution No. 6187
<br />autho�izing the Manage�° and Mayox° to execute a lease between
<br />the City of R,oseville and the Coun�y of Ramsey axid. calling fo�
<br />con�inuation of n�ght court in Roseville be adoptedo Roll
<br />Call, Ayes; Hess, Brennan, Curley, Demos and Linebarge�o
<br />Nays: Noneo
<br />E�6 Curley Moved, Demos Seconded, that the Roseville Central Park
<br />Faundation project proposal to �etain a consultant to develop
<br />a Master P1an for the Central Park Nature Interpretative Center
<br />be adop�edo RoZZ Ca7.1� Ayes: Curley, Demos and Linebarger,
<br />Nays: Hess and Brennano
<br />Brennan Aqoved, Hess Seconded, to approve payment to Bur7.ington
<br />No�°�hern, Inco zn�the amount oi $1,4Q7o25 far �u11 payment in
<br />regard to �he insta.11ation of crossing signals at the Burlingtan
<br />No�thern Lines at Victoria identi£ied as Public 5ervice Co�-
<br />ission Order R-2895, D-1923, Fi�e No� F�1055� Roll Call, Ay�es:
<br />Hess, Brennan, G�.irley, Demos and Linebargero Nays: Nane,
<br />Ev$ Hess Moved, Brennan 5econded, that the 4th and. Fina1 Payment to
<br />Erwin Mon�gomer�y and Sons for i973 Series 5 in the amount of
<br />$7,998036 be approvedo Ro11 Ca11, Ayes: Hess, Brennan, Cur].ey,
<br />Demos and Lineba�gera Nays: Nonew
<br />E��9 C�xrley Maved, Hess Seconded, that the p�oposed relocata�an of
<br />the Rice Edgerton Line between R�ce St�°eet and Dale Street from
<br />l��innesota Avenue to Caunty Road B-2 be approved and that it be
<br />sen� to the Metropolztan Transit Cannnissiono Roll Call, Ayes:
<br />Hess, Brennan, Curley�, Demos and Linebax°gero Nays: None�
<br />He�s Moved, Curl.ey Seconded, that the proposed changes in
<br />M�'C Raute �S2H a.� outlined in. the letter from the A�etropalitan
<br />'i'r�ansir Comnission dated De�ember 9,1974 be approved and that
<br />the MTC be perniitted to operate bu�es on County Road B-2 �rom
<br />Hamline Avenue to Snelling Avenueo Roll Call, Ayes: Hess,
<br />Brennan, Cux�Zey, Demos and L�nehar�ge�o Nays : None�
<br />COiJNTRY
<br />KTTCf�N
<br />MARVIN
<br />�ULLTCK
<br />LAROSE
<br />N0, 6187
<br />(:ENZRI� PARK
<br />PAYNlFNT
<br />BUS RQUI'�
<br />ROUTE #52H
<br />