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�r�ii�u��i, iilr' iY�.iirui�� i�r i�i��`� ii11U Uk tr11� i:ll`Y C;�t1:VC:�L <br />OF ii�JS�VILLE, MI��'ESQT/1 -- HELU <br />Deceniber �G, 1S74 <br />�: � x * � � * x � � � � * � x �c <br />DL?rs��,�}-� ±o due ca11 and not�ce th�rcof, z regulax mee�.ir�g o£ the <br />City Council of the Ci�ty of kosevil.le, Ramsey Cotznty, ��linnesot�, ti�as <br />duly I��J.d �n fihe City I-�all at 2701 hort�x Lexington Avenue, Rosevzlle, <br />Mii�nesota, on the 30th day o£ December, 1974, at 7:30 P.M. <br />The foTlow�.ng members were present: <br />and the £ollowino were absent: <br />Niember introduced the foTiotiving resolution <br />and moved its adoption: <br />R�SOLUTI�hT N0. <br />RESOLUTION AUTIIORIZZI�TG PARTICIPATION I1V THE SL'I3U�,YA1`d <br />RA'I'E 11UiHQRITY: DIRECTING TH� �XF,CUTzON AND D�LIVERY <br />OF A JOINT PO,hTERS AGR�E;�;�;T: A,'�D DESiGPlA:i'ING A REPRE- <br />SEI�TATIVE OF THE CITY AS ITS PC�MBER ON ThE BOARD OF THE <br />SUBiJRBAt� RATE AI�-T'HORITY <br />�1'HEREAS, the City nf �oseville is autltorized by Mir,n�sota <br />Statutes, Section 473_.S9 ta enter into,joint.and cooperative agree�nents <br />with other governmental una.ts, an� <br />WHER�AS, the City Counca.l has defiermined that t}�c C3.t,� <br />caoi}erate 4vith other municipalitics in the moni� of utility <br />serlrices in the Metropolztan nxea by participating in tl-�e Suhurban <br />Ra�e Au�thorzty, an existi_no caop�rative organi�atinn ti�ith expexiezace <br />in tl2e field of utility rate regulation, <br />b4'"r�L'•REAS, ti.e City Council fias detex�r.�ined that it is nec�ss�.ry <br />and d�siraL-le that �he 5uburban R�te Authori�y continue in e�:istence, <br />nott,�i�hstandinb tfie assump�ion o� utili�v regul�.tary poiti��rs �y t��e <br />Stat�, for the �ur��USe ai monitflrin� utilzty services and part�cipatzr�g <br />to the �naxir���:, de�ree possible in t3-ie utility rate-���a�:in� prccedure, ar.d <br />that the Subur�ian Rate Authorityts scape of ac�ivities b� broadenec� to <br />i.nclude electric utilities and other utilities i� iiecessary. <br />