<br />12egu1ax° Meetin� �a:f° t.he C�'ty Cotu�ti�l � Decembe� 16, 19740
<br />The Ci� Coun�� l me�: on the abo�re dat� wlth the following
<br />membe�°� presen� : Ma�}�o� Llnebarge�°, Counc�lmen Hess , Brennan,
<br />c,1z���y a.nd. 17emos �
<br />A�1 Cu�ley Mo�ed, D�mos Second.�d., th�t the minutes of the meeting
<br />o� De��mber� 9, 19�4y be a�px�orredo Ra21 Ca�l, Ayes: Linebarge�,
<br />Hes�, Brennan, Curley and bemps� Nays: None�
<br />B=Z Brennan Moved, He�s Se�csnd�d, �ha� th� request o� Dar�ell Fax�r
<br />Developmen't Cozpt��ra�ion f�r• �end.�d spe�ial use permit a� 1650
<br />Highway 36 be appx�av��� w�.�h the foTlow�ng �ondi�ion� :
<br />1) th�t a r��ord.ed p�lc�r�g e�.serrEent be obtained fi om the
<br />Ro��d�.l� Ta�er•s 9�.nd �. �opy� of the easement be prov�ided
<br />ts the C�ty prio� to i:he issuance of the amend�d special
<br />use p��rin�t ;
<br />2) that 5 foot w�de bi�LUninous or concrete walkways and
<br />s�ep� be con��x�u�ted �o pr�vide access �om the apart-
<br />ments �� the Ro�ed�le Tower parking lot a.� px�orrided on
<br />the sn�te p1�n;
<br />3 j tha��'. the waYkw�.� ft�arr► ihe Rased�l� Tower park�ng lot to
<br />the apar�.m�nt building on the south begin at the sixth
<br />parking s�Ca11 fr•om �.he south�
<br />Roll CaYI, Ayes: Hess, Brenxian, Cux�ley, Demos and Linebargex�,
<br />Nays: Non��
<br />C�1 G�xYley �loved, Hess Secondedq �.ha� the appointment of Clayton
<br />Knutson, 2�82 Na�th Pa�cal Avenue, to the Police Civil Ser�vice
<br />Commission �or� �. ith�ee year �.erm eifective January l, 1975
<br />and ending De�embe� 31, 19i� be con�irmedo Roll Call, Ayes:
<br />Hess, Br��nn�n, Cu�Iey� Demos and Line�arger: Nays: None�
<br />E-1 Hes� Moved, Br�enn�n Se�anded, that Mro Jon Roadfeldt's request
<br />to� mino� var�an�e to f�ont yard setba�k at I5�8 Sextant be
<br />approved� Ro].1 Ca11, Aye�: He�s, Br�ennain, Curley, I)emos and
<br />i,inebar�gex° o Nays � None �
<br />E�2 Curl�y �loved, Brennan Se�onded, that Mr�. Melvin Sauve's
<br />�eque�� fo� mino� varian�e �:o side yard setback a�t 1885
<br />Dellwood A�ren�xe be approved with -�he condit�on that a retaining
<br />wa11 whi�.h meets �he �equi�ements of the RosevilZe l�.iblic
<br />Wo�ks Di�ector, be c6n�tr��.ted an the slde of Mro SauvePs
<br />d���eway �d��cent �o the �ront yard of the home Iocated at
<br />1875 I}ellwood.� Rol� Ca11, Ayes: Hess, Brennan, G�zrley, Demos�
<br />Nays : Lineb�x°ger �
<br />E�3 Brennan Moved, H�s� Se�onded, that Sha�ex� Contractin.g Company's
<br />r�eque�� ��or excava�ion pex�mit at Count}r Road B- 2 and A'Ia�ilda
<br />S�reet be �.pproved� Rr�11 Call, Ayes: Hess, Brennan, C�xr�ley,
<br />I?emos and Lineba�rger� N�ys: Ncne�
<br />7:3Q PoMe
<br />MTNUT'ES
<br />DEV�LOPA�I'
<br />SHAFER
<br />COMP.ANY
<br />