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� <br />tha� ��e imp�ovement was not s.ubject to utilization until .- <br />a later date. <br />II. <br />The City Code of the City of RosevilZc is hereby <br />amended by adding Sectzon 75.040 to read as fo��ows: <br />75.04a. Property Assessment. Before any hook-up <br />permit sha11 be�issued, the following conditions shal� <br />be comp�ied with: •. <br />(�) No permit sha�l be issued to connect with any <br />storm sewe� system of the City directly or ind�rectly �rom <br />any lat or tract of Zand unless the Finance Officer sha�1 <br />have �ertified: <br />{a) That such lot or tract of land has been assessed <br />for the cost o� construction or the storm sew�r main or <br />1�ne with wh�ch the con�ection is made, ar <br />(b) I� no assessment has been levied for such <br />construction cost, the proceed�ngs for levying such assessment <br />have been or will be completed in due caurse, ar <br />(c) I� no assessment has been levied, and no <br />assessment proceedings wi11 be 'comple�ed �n due course, <br />that a s�m eqaa� to the partion of cost of constructing <br />said storm sewer main which would be assessab�e against <br />sa�d 1ot or tract has been paid to the City, or <br />(2) i� no such certi�icate can be issued by the <br />F�nance Officer, no perm'it to connect �a any storm sewer main <br />shall be issued unless the applican� shall pay an additiona� <br />connection fee which sha11 be equal to thep�rtion of the cost <br />o� construction of the said storm sewer main which would be � <br />assessabl� against said �ot or tract ta be served by such <br />connection. Sazd assessable cost is to be deterxnin�d by <br />the Public Works Director upon the same bas�s as any <br />ass�ssment prev�ously levied against other property for the <br />� said main, �ncXuding interest at a rate equal ta the <br />% interest rate of �he orig�nal assessment f�om the date <br />of ihe original assessment and continuing far a period <br />o� 20 years or �he amount of years the assessment was <br />payable, whzchever is �ess. Interest may b� waived ar . <br />