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<br />City Council Regular Meeting -11/28/05 <br />Minutes - Page 13 <br /> <br />structures; provide a standard essential to ensure that structures <br />are safe, sanitary and fit for occupation and use; enhance the <br />existing property maintenance and land use sections of City <br />Code (Section 407); improve the street appeal and property <br />values in the City; to provide a guide for internal inspections <br />related to rental licensing. <br /> <br />Mr. Welsch reviewed the proposed process for adoption of the <br />new Code sections; inspection process; and appeals processes. <br /> <br />Mr. Welsch reviewed various examples that would be addressed: <br />exterior property areas (i.e., weeds, rodents, vehicles); exterior <br />structures (i.e., conditions of paint, rust, windows and doors, <br />rotting); interior structures (i.e., clean and sanitary living <br />conditions, handrails, windows & doors); rubbish and garbage <br />issues; and occupancy limits. <br /> <br />Rental Licensinl! <br />Ms. Bennett reviewed the program elements in response to <br />previously-held HRA-sponsored neighborhood meetings; and <br />reviewed various program elements. <br /> <br />Ms. Bennett reviewed the purpose of the rental licensing code to <br />ensure code compliance and health and safety of occupants; and <br />to protect property value and neighborhood appeal. <br /> <br />Ms. Bennett outlined the proposal to inspect and license all rental <br />property nnder four units; proposed outside contracting for those <br />inspection services with receipt of Requests for Proposals <br />(RFP's) anticipated December 1,2005; summarized the proposed <br />annual license and inspection process; and defined the impacts <br />for approximately 350 units (800-1000 residents) in the City. Ms <br />Bennett advised that the proposed license fee was $50 per unit; <br />and that a checklist would be established related to IPMC for the <br />inspector to use as a guide. Ms. Bennett further advised that an <br />estimated 50% increase in rental properties had occurred within <br />the City over the last three years; and staff had realized an <br />increased number of complaints on specific single-family and <br />small ( 1-4 units) properties. <br /> <br />Ms. Bennett briefly reviewed the rental licensing program <br />