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<br />City Council Regular Meeting - 11128/05 <br />Minutes - Page 15 <br /> <br />inspection. <br /> <br />What about owner availability for and timing of inspections? <br />Staff response: Staff will accommodate schedules with owners <br />wherever possible, even potentially in the evening or on <br />weekends. <br /> <br />Are owner-occupied homes really subject to maintenance <br />issues? <br />Staff response: Yes, in some instances. While the City is not <br />currently inspecting owner-occupied units, unless a complaint is <br />brought to staff's attention; there is a need for rental housing <br />inspections even in owner-occupied units to ensure compliance. <br /> <br />How can tenant behavior be regulated? <br />Staff response: Through possible addendums to lease <br />agreements, with application of state statutes for certain <br />provisions (i.e., gambling, prostitution, etc.). <br /> <br />What if current lease language clearly states "no <br />inspections?" <br />Staff response: Depending on lease language, an addendum <br />could be added due to a change in local ordinance. <br /> <br />Why not include all rental property? <br />Staff response: The HRA considered this issue, but at this time, <br />most complaints were single-family rental units. Future <br />expansion may be considered. <br /> <br />Council Comment. Questions. Discussion <br />Councilmember Ihlan requested that staff provide a comparison <br />chart, prior to City Council action, of specific differences in the <br />City's standard of maintenance and that of the IPMC. <br />Councilmember Ihlan noted this was in response to several <br />public concerns previously expressed to her; as to whether the <br />City's standards are higher than that ofIPMC; and how onerous <br />the proposed Code would be (i.e., whether the City needed to do <br />a full-scale over hall, or enforce what was already on the books). <br /> <br />Councilmember Ihlan also sought clarification as to whether both <br />a property maintenance code and a rental licensing scheme were <br />