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<br />Community Town Hall Meeting - 04/26/04 <br />Page 20 <br /> <br />L. Dan Roe, 2100 Avon Street <br />Mr. Roe encouraged citizens to contact staff to review the <br />process and to obtain information related to drainage issues <br />for their specific properties, allowing staff to use their <br />expertise in assisting with a solution. <br /> <br />Mr. Roe also spoke in support of a pathway along County <br />Road B-2 due to safety issues for pedestrians; and <br />requested that the City Council direct staff to focus on <br />increased traffic enforcement, specifically related to <br />pedestrian safety at intersections and traffic running red <br />lights and speed. <br /> <br />Concluding Remarks/Acknowledgments <br />Mayor Klausing, on behalf of the City Council, thanked <br />everyone for their interest, attendance and comments; and <br />encouraged them to remain for additional individual <br />conversation immediately following the formal closure of <br />tonight's meeting. <br /> <br />11. <br /> <br />Conduct Public Hearing regarding the Owasso Lake Safe <br />Boating Association's Annual Request for a Permit for a <br />Water Ski Course and Water Ski Jump <br />Mayor Klausing reconvened the formal portion of the meeting at <br />9:00 p.m. to consider the request of the Lake Owasso Safe <br />Boating Association, represented by S teve Youngquist (391 <br />South Owasso Boulevard), and the Association's request for <br />seeking a permit from the Ramsey County Sheriff for a water ski <br />course and jump on Lake Owasso for the 2004 season. <br /> <br />Mr. Y ounquist briefly reviewed the request. <br /> <br />Mayor Klausing opened and closed the public hearing at 9:03 <br />p.m., with no one appearing for or against. <br /> <br />Kough moved, Ih1an seconded, approval of the Lake Owasso <br />Safe Boating Association's request for permit from the Ramsey <br />County Sheriff to place a water ski course and a water ski jump <br />on Lake Owasso for the 2004 season. <br /> <br />Conduct Public <br />Hearing regarding <br />the Owasso Lake <br />Safe Boating <br />Association's <br />Annual Request for <br />a Permit for a <br />Water Ski Course <br />and Water Ski <br />Jump <br />