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<br />K. Temporary On-sale Licenses: Telnporary On-sale licenses may be issued to a club or <br />charitable, religious or nonprofit organization in existence for at least three (3) years <br />in connection with social events within the City, for up to three (3) days in <br />accordance with Minnesota Statutes section 340AA04, subdivision 10. ( 1995 Code) <br />L. Telnporary On-sale License In Central Park: Upon paYlnent of the fee and <br />submission of a completed application fonn, the City Manager is authorized to <br />approve a temporary On-sale license for the sale and distribution of nonintoxicating <br />Inalt liquor to a club, charitable, religious or other nonprofit organization in existence <br />at least three (3) years, for such sale and distribution in Central Park only for a tilne <br />not to exceed three (3) consecutive days, provided the following conditions are Inet: <br />1. Insurance: Proof of liquor liability insurance in an mnount equal to and in the fonn <br />required by subsection 302.03C of this Chapter is filed with the application. <br />2. Security Plan: A security plan, approved by the Chief of Police, is filed along with <br />the application. <br />3. Hours of Sale: In addition to the limitation on hours found elsewhere in this Code, <br />the hours of sale shall be only during the time that Central Park is open to the public. <br />Sales and distribution shall be located only in a shelter building or a temporary <br />shelter, such as a tent, approved by the City Manager. <br />In the event the City Manager denies the application, for any reason, the applicant <br />may appeal the decision of the City Manager to the City Council. (Ord. 1102, 9-23- <br />1991 ) <br />M. Intoxicating Liquors at The Roseville Skating Center COlTIlTIUnity Rooms: <br />Intoxicating liquor Inay be sold in the Roseville Skating Center Community Rooms <br />only under the following conditions: <br />1. By the City-designated caterer for the Roseville Skating Center COlnmunity <br />ROOlns who shall hold retail On-sale intoxicating liquor license issued by the City or <br />hy an adjacent municipality. <br />2. The caterer must be engaged to dispense intoxicating liquor at an event held by a <br />person or organization permitted to use the Roseville Skating Center Community <br />.:Rooms, and may dispense intoxicating liquor only to persons attending the event. <br />3. The caterer delivers to the City a certificate of insurance providing" off prelnises" <br />. . .or "~atered ev~nt" liquo_r }-~.~~.ility coverage n~ming thy .<;:ity <?f Rosevil!e, to the !\1P, . . <br />~ . ;exte*t of statutory coverage~ ;as an additional' named ins~red.; . .' .-.. . . <br />-4. All other rules and regulations established by the City relating to the .sale or <br />dispensing of intoxicating liquor in the Roseville Skating Center Community Rooms <br />are complied with. (Ord. 1217, 12-14-1998) <br /> <br />302.03: APPLICATION: <br /> <br />A. Requirements: The requirelnents set forth in this Section shall apply to applications <br />for those licenses named in Section 302.02 of this Chapter. <br />B. Form: <br />1. Infonnation Required: Every application for a license under this Chapter shall <br />state the name of applicant, applicant's age, presentations as to applicant's character, <br />with such references as the City Councillnay require, applicant's citizenship, the <br />type of license applied 'foi, the business in connection with which the proposed'~-- . <br />license will operate and its location, whether the applicant is owner and operator of <br />the business, how long applicant has been in that business at that place and such <br />other information as the City Councillnay require frOln tilne to tinle. <br />2. Verification: In addition to containing such infonnation, the application shall be in <br />the fornl prescribed by the State Liquor Control Director and shall be verified and <br />filed with the City Manager. No person shall Inake a false statenlent in an <br />