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<br />City Council Study Session - 08/16/04 <br />Minutes - Page 11 <br /> <br />to hold their questions and comments until staff had made their <br />presentations, and Councilmembers had received clarification <br />and responses froln staff related to the City Manager's <br />reconlll1endations and staff impact comments. <br /> <br />City Manager Beets initiated his comments by reviewing the <br />in1pacts to individual municipalities of recent state budget crises <br />and elimination of state aid to municipalities. Mr. Beets noted <br />that the am1ual impact to the City of Roseville, since 2003, was a <br />reduction in funding of $700,000. Mr. Beets recommended a <br />permanent structural budget revision to address this funding <br />issue in the 2005 Preliminary Budget as follows: <br />1) A 5% levy increase. Mr. Beets noted that the City had <br />implemented no levy increase for two years, while <br />continuing to experience increased operating and <br />inflationary costs. Mr. Beets clarified that the voter- <br />supported referendum for City facility improvements and <br />construction was a separate levy, and included in this <br />discussion. <br />2) An increase in user fees. <br />3) A reduction of $500,000 in overall City expenses, realized <br />by a reduction of five full-time employees and their <br />corresponding pro grams. <br /> <br />PUBLIC WORKS <br />City Manager Beets' recoffilnendations for the Public Works <br />Department included, consolidation of snowplowing efforts <br />under the direction of the Streets Division within the Public <br />Works Department; addition of a third skid steer (Bobcat) to the <br />City's fleet of Inaintenance vehicles; elilnination through <br />attrition of two full-time employees in the Public Works and <br />Parks & Recreation Maintenance; authorization for a feasibility <br />study to create a street light utility effective January 1, 2005; and <br />authorization for a feasibility study to create a City franchise fee <br />effective January 1, 2005 for electric and gas utility lines in <br />public rights-of-way with proceeds to be deposited in 2005 to the <br />City's General Fund, with a study undertaken in 2005 to consider <br />dedicating those funds to undergrounding above-ground electric <br />utility lines on public and private property. <br /> <br />City Manager Beets reviewed each recommendation In more <br />