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<br />City Council Study Session - 08/16/04 <br />Minutes - Page 27 <br /> <br />street department; with Mr. Smith further noting that the <br />proposed public works maintenance budget was increasing for <br />2005. Mr. Smith opined that by continuing to delay various <br />parks and recreation expenses, they would only cost more in the <br />future, and the department was continually asked to provide the <br />same level of service and programming with less money and less <br />staff resources. <br /> <br />City of Roseville Finance Director Chris Miller <br />Mr. Miller responded to Mr. Slnith's questions: <br />1) The Park Dedication Fund had a deficit balance of <br />approximately $90,000, which would eventually need to <br />be refunded; and was initiated to fund park land <br />acquisition or ilnprovelnents, but hasn't been solvent or <br />fully funded for approximately 10 years; <br />2) Mr. Miller noted that a portion of the funds from the <br />Arona site had been transferred to the Housing and <br />Redevelopment Authority (HRA) for construction of <br />housing on the site; with the remainder of the monies not <br />currently designated, pending Council direction, and the <br />approximate $900,000 was in General Fund Reserves. <br /> <br />Mr. Smith opined that it would be his recommendation, as a <br />member of the Parks and Recreation Commission, to put the <br />funds in the Parks and Recreation Fund to address the deficit. <br /> <br />Art Sweeten, 2977 Galtier Street <br />Mr. Sweeten noted that in 1981, the City had attempted to sell <br />this specific park land as currently being recommended, and the <br />neighborhood, at that time, questioned the legality of the City <br />selling land that developers had been specifically required to <br />designate as open park space. Mr. Sweeten opined that <br />consideration of this recommendation was not appropriate, and <br />volunteered to meet with the City Council privately to further <br />discuss how he could be of assistance to the city in solving their <br />budget issues. <br /> <br />Robert Meyer, HANC Volunteer and representing the Arts <br />Council <br />Mr. Meyer noted that his organization had just begun to make <br />use of the HANC for combining arts and environmental/nature <br />