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<br />City Council Regular Meeting - 08/23/04 <br />Minutes - Page 11 <br /> <br />Councilmember Kough sought Council consensus in enforcing Boulevards <br />private property owners to be responsible to maintain boulevards <br />adjacent to their properties; and further questioned whether <br />property owners anticipated that someone else was responsible <br />for that maintenance. Councilmember Kough noted recent <br />efforts to beautify the community, and the many areas that <br />detracted from those beautification efforts. <br /> <br />Discussion ensued regarding property line definitions, variations <br />and easements; ownership of boulevard and ditch property; <br />complaint-driven nature of maintenance and mowing; existing <br />nuisance ordinance provisions and enforcement; commercial <br />versus residential properties; cooperation among private and <br />public owners in maintaining aesthetics within the community; <br />safety factors to consider in implementing additional <br />enforcement measures; and the City Attorney's listing of <br />provisions already in place in the City's Nuisance Ordinance <br />407.02c. <br /> <br />Councilmember Schroeder noted that he maintains the public <br />property adjoining his property to enhance his property's <br />aesthetics. <br /> <br />Mayor Klausing concurred, and noted that many property owners <br />followed that logic. <br /> <br />Klausing moved, Kough seconded, directing staff to study and <br />report back to the City Council application and procedure to <br />implement and maintain enforcement of existing city ordinance <br />and code, or additional provisions necessary, related to boulevard <br />maintenance in the City of Roseville; and further directed staff to <br />survey other communities as to their enforcement procedures; <br />and directed City Attorney Anderson to provide an opinion as to <br />the legality and/or constitutionality of local requirements for <br />enforcement on those properties owned by superior units of <br />government (i.e., County, State or Federal entities). <br /> <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Ihlan, Schroeder, Maschka, Kough and Klausing. <br />Nays: None. <br />