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<br />City Council Regular Meeting - 08/23/04 <br />Minutes - Page 26 <br /> <br />on HRA directions and processes. <br /> <br />Councilmember Maschka expressed his initial and <br />continuing argument with the establishment of the <br />HRA: that the HRA was determined as a solution <br />without adequate definition of the prob1em(s). <br />Counci1member Maschka noted the many housing <br />issues needing consideration and whether the HRA <br />was the best and right tool; questioned how the <br />Council should develop policies to the provide the <br />HRA with adequate direction as with other <br />commISSIons. <br /> <br />Counci1member Maschka admitted his continued <br />struggles with the role of the HRA, the City's housing <br />and rental housing issues and their needed solutions; <br />and questioned if, when and where the City should <br />step in and how to assist without becoming a <br />cumbersome detriment. <br /> <br />Counci1member Maschka specifically noted the <br />information shared tonight that Ramsey County was <br />noting an influx of seniors moving into Roseville due <br />to the available rambler-type housing stock and <br />decreasing mobility issues, location, services, and <br />other amenities; and how that had not been anticipated <br />previously. Counci1member Maschka questioned <br />whether the City was "sprinkling drops of water <br />randomly, when a "downpour" was what was needed <br />in specific areas. Counci1member Maschka opined <br />that, as policy makers, the City Council needed to <br />define the problems; recognize the complexity and <br />comprehensiveness of these issues; (i.e., determine <br />how to deliver health care; impacts to school districts; <br />emergency service providers); establish priorities; and <br />then reach conclusions. <br /> <br />Chair Majerus opined that past issues with the HRA <br />were "water under the bridge," and sought solution to <br />better communication; determination of goals; use of <br />resources to achieve and solve collaborative issues; <br />