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<br />City Council Special Study Session - 09/09/04 <br />Minutes - Page 2 <br /> <br />Mayor Klausing noted that, as per the City Manager's Budget <br />Memo, three solutions were provided: 1) increasing the General <br />Fund Levy; 2) identifying new revenue sources; and 3) cutting <br />expenses. <br /> <br />Mayor Klausing again expressed his appreciation to the public <br />for their approval of the recent referendum for a 10% levy <br />increase to facilitate construction and remodeling on the City <br />Hall campus, noting that this was representative of a community <br />that works well and cooperatively. <br /> <br />Mayor Klausing further noted that the School District and <br />Ramsey County were facing similar budget issues due to the <br />actions of the State of Minnesota. <br /> <br />Councilmember Maschka provided another context, noting that <br />the City Council had not approved a revenue increase since <br />2001, with the exception of the referendum. Noting inflationary <br />growth and substantial employee health insurance costs, <br />Councilmember Maschka opined that the City continued to fall <br />behind; and reiterated the need to address the structural issue as <br />soon as possible, then return to the historical policy of basing the <br />annual levy at inflationary levels to keep the City on track. <br />Councilmember Maschka, from a financial perspective, further <br />noted that government did not work in a non- inflationary <br />environment. <br /> <br />Counciln1ember Maschka provided written recommendations for <br />a 10% General Fund Levy increase for 2005, funding the City <br />Manager's recolnmended budget; and restoring funds as follows: <br /> <br />1. Forgo the implementation of a street light utility or gas <br />and electric franchise fee <br />2. Restoration of the Y2 year funding for the Police <br />Department Civilian position <br />3. Restoration of fundin for the Nature Center osition <br />4. Restoration of fundin for one Maintenance osition <br /> <br />Councihnember Maschka's recommendation did not include <br />funding for a custodial position or one Maintenance position, <br />or restore fundin for the Park 1m rovement Pro ram or the <br />