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<br />"knvtl\er 6vnctrt" <br /> <br />Notes tt'om 11/22/04 <br /> <br />This concept was designed following "Slnart growth" and "new urbanisnl" principles. <br />The goal was to respond positively to the issues raised during the hearings before the <br />Council and the Planning Comnlission. The housing described would be five stories in <br />height and clustered along the roadways and away from the park. It would have mnple <br />underground parking and limited parking, as shown, outside the building. Each building <br />would have a parking entrance on each end of the building as well as a drive up area for <br />dropping off or picking up visitors. The units would range froln 850 sf to 2500 sf, <br />offering options to both single individuals as well as falnilies with children. The units <br />would range in price from $170,000 to $550,000, with an average around $250,000. <br /> <br />As a result of nlany discussions with members of the affected neighborhoods, this plan <br />enlerged as one that does, in fact, address ll1any issues of concern to residents and that <br />has been well received by thenl. Traffic problelns are much reduced and the traffic is <br />dispersed onto all three major arterials, County C, Cleveland, and one unit onto Fairview. <br />The park is protected and enhanced with additional greenspace providing ample filtration <br />for stornlwater. The benning around the existing structures and along the roads \vill <br />mitigate the noise problenl that is currently present and will enhance the appearance froln <br />the street. The addition of prairie in the open area that will result from pollution cleanup <br />fmiher enhances the park and provides a lovely and low nlaintenance area. (RoseviIle <br />currently has almost no prairie in its park systeln.) The lower traffic volumes greatly <br />reduce the noise, light, and air pollution in the area. <br /> <br />Our "concept" also responds favorably to the needs of the city. In cOlnparison to the <br />current Rottlund proposal this concept provides lnore money for TIF (if necessary), <br />provides a different type of housing to our housing stock, and provides nlore revenues to <br />the city budget. It provides for the expansion and enhancement of a city anlenity, <br />Langton Lake Park, and includes SOlne additional access and parking for visitors to the <br />area. In the area of housing, the buildings will have units spacious enough for fmnilies <br />and 10% of the units will be subsidized-either permanently "rented" to qualified <br />candidates or sold far below nlarket value to "qualified buyers." <br /> <br />The shopping area is the "service mix" type desired by local residents. Because of its <br />convenient location, it is believed that hair salons, yoga studios, hardware stores, dry <br />cleaners, restaurants, etc. would do very \vell in the area. This building, too, would have <br />underground parking, perhaps sinlilar to Galleria. There would be office space above the <br />shops \vith separate underground parking. <br /> <br />We understand that this is very much a "concept" plan, but we are sure there are Inany <br />others concepts that would be able to solve these problems. It is our hope that the city <br />will chose to investigate new pathways to redevelop this area heeding the needs of the <br />environnlent, the residents, and the city. <br />