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<br /> <br />Lillie Subllrban Newspapers, Inc. <br /> <br />2515 E. Seventh Avenue <br />North St. Paul. MN 55109 <br />(-651) 777.880"0 <br /> <br /> <br />January 13, 2003 <br /> <br />Mayor John Kysylyczyn <br />City of Roseville <br />2660 Civic Center Drive <br />Roseville MN 55113 <br /> <br />Dear Mayor, <br /> <br />I ~eceiv.ed calls last week from Concerned Roseville residen'ts regarding the city council1s <br />dlScusslon last week over who should be named as the legal newspaper for the City of Roseville. <br />Apparently there were concems about our distribution to senior complexes in RosevilIe and <br />pricing. I would li~e to address these issues. . <br /> <br />1) The RosevIlle Review distributes 9,797 newspapers within the city limits. <br />I b,elieve the Pioneer Press distributes to approximately 40% of the homes <br />in Roseville, <br /> <br />.2) The Rose-ville Review is a Free ne\vspaper where t~c Pioneer F-ress is a paid paper <br />, . s'b only those resident~ wh,o'pay for the' Pioneer Press receive it, <br /> <br />3) Although we distribute only 'a few copies to senior cOlnplexes we do have 48 retail <br />locations (attached) where the residents may pick tip a Free copy of the <br />Roseville Review. <br /> <br />The reason we do not currently distribute to senior comple~es is based on <br />economic reasons. If there are specific: senior c0I.11plexes which wish to <br />'receive the Roseville Review we will g~p.dl~' consider their requests, The <br />addition or removal of drop sites is a fluid part of our distribution and is <br />const~ntly changing. ' <br /> <br />If seniors are on fixed budgets r \vould :i.i:nagine paying for'"a newspaper <br />subscription would be difficult for. them, <br /> <br />4) Our editor either attends the Roseville City Couticil meetin'gs or picks up the tape <br />on a 'weekly basis and reports on the meeting. ' <br /> <br />An of the reasons above affeet OUr'costS $Jld I feel quite emphatically that the Roseviile Review <br />does a much better job of covering the news.and qistributirig to residents in Roseville. We reach <br />more readers at no cost to the reader and 'we provide employment opportunities to Ro~eville <br />residents through OUf carrier system. <br /> <br />Finally, I understand that the council has a fiscal responsibility to its residents and that occasionally <br />perhaps same of the intangibles may be overlooked during the decision making process. Because <br />of this responsibility you have to your residents, r am willing to offer a rate of $2.85 per column <br />inch for the coming year. <br /> <br />If you have any questions or if I may be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact <br />me at your convenience. I look forward to hearing from you. <br /> <br />Sincerely, ' <br /> <br /> <br />-o;r' " <br /> <br /> <br />Jeff Enright <br /> <br />R~msey Co~n::y ?;'c\~eW ~,. Nia.'ole'itvood R~vieW ,{..!.,.al~e Elmo Re'/iew (.. Revie:w ?f:~spt:c-;i~"=:: <br />.'. h 'Q l' . ~'... l-~. . ,.., . <br />I.~ew 3:-ighton 3ull~tin ":~ Shore\'lew Bulledn -{i. St. f.nt on.)' _ U letm (," ~o~.:. \'\"~s5 .~.~"'l'~V.' <br />::\..osevili~-Li~le Ci?n ad $. Revio::w c~ \VoodCnl')f.Sourh r\'~a.plf:"",vood R~'\'i,::v" {~(. ~~s::: Sj:::l~ .!:~t',~i:": <br />