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<br /> <br />Notes froll1 February 20, 2003 to discuss a firing range <br /> <br />Attendees: Mayor Kysylyczyn, Councilll1ell1ber Kough, Conm1issioner Jan Wiessner, Jolly <br />Mangine, Dave 11etusala, Ron Kolmer, An10ld Olsen, Chief Sletner, Lt. Mathwig, Carolyn Curti. <br /> <br />TOIll Kough welconled everyone to nleeting. He said the City has questions about the use of a <br />firing range if the City builds one. He mentioned a specific problen1 would be with adding an <br />exten1al door that does not go through the police area. Tonl asked Jolly Mangine to explain <br />where Ran1sey County is in the process with their firing range. <br /> <br />Dave explained that in the early 1990s Ramsey County identified a need for a firing range. State <br />Patrol, St. Paul Police and Washington County also said they were seeking a firing range. Went <br />together to the Legislature and got $500,000. Adding to that $1 nlillion frOln Washington <br />County and $2 nlillion froln Rmnsey County to build a 10 lane, 75 foot, state of the art firing <br />range with moving targets and air cleaning systelTI. <br /> <br />J oIly explained that Ranlsey County is in the process of developing an operating agreelnent with <br />Washington County having access use of the facility for 35% of the tilTIe and RmTIsey County <br />65% of the time. Plan to open the range in Septelnber. <br /> <br />They plan to nm the firing range like a business. For govenuTIent use, costs would be recouped, <br />but not make a profit. For private sector, would have an altenlative rate - silTIilar to nlarket rate. <br />Prices vary - one range charges $15 and a person can shoot as long as he/she wants - usually <br />less than 2 hours. Very fev! private ranges exist - noise complaints from neighbors, many are <br />outdoors so people don't \-vant to shoot there in cold, can't shoot at night. <br /> <br />Costs must cover <br />· Utilities <br />· Preventive Maintenance <br />· Capital Improvenlents <br />· Supplies <br />· Cleaning <br /> <br />Estinlate that will cost around $60,000 a year. <br /> <br />Plan is to have capacity use of 44,000 hours a year. 16 hours a day five days a week. 8 hours on <br />Saturday - 10 lanes. Assunlption is that with night hours officers would not have to be paid <br />overtinle. <br /> <br />16 x 5 = 80 <br />8x1=8 <br />88 hours x 10 lanes = 880 <br />880 x 50 - 44,000 <br />(allows time for repairs) <br /> <br />Estinlate that there are 1,555 public safety officers (County, City, State Patrol) that could use the <br />facility in the two counties. ASSUll1e ll1inilTIUlTI of 6-8 hours of training each year. That means <br />require nlinilTIUlll of9,330 to 12,440 hours of usage per year. <br />