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<br />Regular City Council Minutes - 3/31/03 <br />Page 16 <br /> <br />Mayor Kysylyczyn moved to table action until the next <br />meeting. <br /> <br />Councilmember Klausing advised he would be abstaining. <br /> <br />Councilmember Maschka, via Point of Information, <br />queried Mayor Kysylyczyn if he had consulted with any <br />Commission Chairpersons prior to considering any <br />appointment/reappointment. <br /> <br />Councilmember Maschka sought a continuation. <br /> <br />Mayor Kysylyczyn called the motion to table action. <br /> <br />Ayes: <br /> <br />Roll Call <br />Schroeder, Kough, Maschka and <br />Kysylyczyn. <br />None. <br />Klausing. <br /> <br />Nays: <br />Abstentions: <br /> <br />IX. <br /> <br />Organizational Business <br /> <br />A. Abolishing the Assistant City Manager and Deputy <br />Police Chief Positions <br />Kysylyczyn moved, Schroeder seconded, abolishment of <br />the unfunded and vacant positions of the Assistant City <br />Manager and Deputy Police Chief, pursuant to a legal <br />opinion dated March 5, 2003 by City Attorney Scott <br />Anderson. <br /> <br />Councilmember Klausing reviewed his rationale for not <br />supporting the motion. <br /> <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Schroeder, Kough and Kysylyczyn. <br />Nays: Klausing and Maschka. <br /> <br />Organizational <br />Business <br /> <br />Abolishment of the <br />Assistant City <br />Manager and <br />Deputy Police Chief <br />Positions <br /> <br />B. Facility Use Policy Facility Use Policy <br />Mayor Kysylyczyn referenced a March 20, 2003 Human <br />Rights Commission letter, along with a January 21, 2003 <br />