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<br /> <br /> <br />Conf;l.nued from page 11 <br /> <br /> <br />Building- InBpeetor; and must be refeITed te the Village Council <br />for approval. The Village Council may refer the screening plan <br />to the Planning Commission for review and recommendation. <br /> <br />8.S "I-I" LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS <br />8.S-1 PennitWd Uses. The following uses Me pennitted in areas <br />zoned for light industry: <br />(a) Offices <br />(b) Wholesale and warehousing. <br />(c) LaboratOrIes for research and quality control in the phys- <br />sical sciences. <br />(d) Public and Public Utility uses. <br />(e) The following manufacturing and industrial uses: <br />01 Automobile, truck and trailer body repail') <br />02 Beverage processing and bottling <br />03 Boat bUlldmg and repair <br />04 Cameras and other photographio. equipment except <br />film <br />05 Canvas and canvas products <br />06 CeramIC products - such as pottery and small glaz- <br />ed tile <br />07 Cosmetics and clothlllg and toiletries <br />08 Electric appliances, such as hghtlllg fixtures, irons, <br />fans, toasters and electrIC toys <br />09 ElectrIc eqUIpment assembly, such as home radio and <br />televIsIOn receivers and home movie equipment but <br />not electric power substations, or electrIC machinery. <br />10 ElectrIcal supphes, manufacturlllg and assembly of <br />such as wire and cable assembly, switches, lamps, in- <br />sulation and dry cells batteries <br />11 Food products, processing and combining of (except <br />meat and fish) - baking, boiling, canning, cooking. <br />dehydrating, freezing, frying, grinding, mixing and <br />pressing. <br />12 Glass products, from previously manufactured glass <br />13 Hair felt and feather products (except washing, cur- <br />ing ~d dyeing) <br />14 Hat bodies of fur and wool felt <br />15 Hosiery <br />16 Ice, dry and natural <br />17 Ink mixing and packaging and inked ribbons <br />18 Leather products, including shoes and macltine belting <br />19 Luggage <br />20 Metal 1Jinishing, plating, grinding, sharpening, POlish. <br />ing, cleanll1g, rust pt'O(jfing and heat treatment <br />21 Metal stamping and extrusion of sm.a:U products. such <br />as CiIlStume jewelry, pins and needles, razor blades, <br />bottle caps, buttons, and kitchen utenSils <br />22 Musical instruments <br />23 Orthopedic and medical appliances, such as artificial <br /> <br />24 Paper products - small - such as envelopes and sta. <br />tionay. bags, boxes, tubes and wallpaper printing. <br />25 Perfumes and perfumed soaps, compound:lng only <br />26 Plastic products, such as tableware, phonograph re- <br />cords and buttons <br />27 Printing <br />28 Rubber products, small and synthetic treated fabrics <br />(excluding all rubber and synthetic processing) such <br />as washers, gloves, footwear. bathing caps and ato- <br />mizers <br />29 Silverware, plate and sterling <br />30 Soap and detergents, packaging only <br />31 Sporting and athletic equipment such as balls, baskets, <br />cues, gloves, bats, racquets and rods <br />32 Statuary, mannequins. figurines and religious and <br />church art goods, excluding foundry operations. <br />33 Textiles - spinning, weaving, manufacturing. dye. <br />ing, printing, knit goods, yarn, thread and cordage <br />34 Tools and hardware - such as bolts, nuts and screws, <br />door knobs, dnlls, hand tools and cutlery, hinges, hou- <br />se hardware, locks, non ferrous metal castings and <br />plumbing apphances <br />35 Toys <br />36 Upholstering (bulk) including mattress manufactur- <br />mg, rebUilding and renovating <br />37 Vehicles, children's - such as bicycles, scooters, wa- <br />gons and baby carriages <br />38 Wood Products - such as furniture, boxes, crates, <br />baskets and pencils and cooperage works. <br />39 Vaults, caskets and bunal vaults. <br />Upon application, It is the policy of the Village Council to consi- <br />der amendments to the Zoning Oridance which would add to this <br />list those uses which are not specified in the Ordmance but are <br />compatible with listed permitted uses. <br />8.8-2 Pennitted Accessory Uses <br />(a) Restaurants, cigar and candy counters, and similar uses <br />where operated primarily for the use of employees and <br />in the immediate area. <br />(b) Dwelling unit for watchman <br />(c) Off-street parking and off-street loading as regulated un- <br />der Section 8.1. <br />8.8-3 Uses by Special Pennit <br />(a) Building materials, miscellaneous, such as prefabricated <br />houses, composition wall boards, partitions and panels. <br />(b) Heliports <br />(c) Gasoline Service Stations <br />(d) Storage, open and enclosed of the following: <br />01 Coal and gas <br />02 Junk and salvage <br />03 Refrigeratmg plants <br />40 Scrap metal, paper and rags <br />(e) Wood and lumber storage, bulk processing and <br />mg, including saw mills, and planning mills, excelsior, ply- <br />wood and veneers and wood preservmg treament. <br />,(f) Motor freight terminals. <br /> <br />8.4 "1-2" GENERAL INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT ..,. <br /> <br />8.4.} Pennitted Uses. The following use pern'litted in areas zoned <br />for general industry. <br />,Ca) Any use permitted in an "1-1" District <br />[(b) Aircraft, including parts <br />I(C) Automobiles, trucks and trailers (including parts) assem. <br />bly and engine rebuilding <br />(d) Building materials, miscellaneous, such as prefabricated <br />houses, composition wallboards, partitions and panels <br />lee) Chemicals, not involving noxious odors or dangers from <br />fire or explosives, - such as adhesives,bleaching products, <br />blueing, calcimine, dye stuffs (except anilise dyes) essen. <br />tial oIls, plaster of pans, and vegetable gelatin, glue and <br />size <br />,(f) Clay products - structural such as brick, fire brick, tile <br />and pi~ <br />,(g) Cotton ginning, and cotton wadding and linter manufac- <br />ture <br />,(h) Food products - manufacturing of basic products from <br />the raw state, refining, roasting, pasteurization, and ex. <br />traction of vegetable OIls, including such products as case. <br />in, cereal, chocolate and cocoa products, cider and Vinegar, <br />coffee, glucose and dextrine, maple sugar, milk, butter and <br />cheese, molasses and syrups, oleomargarine, pickles, rice, <br />sauerkraut, oils, sugar and yeast <br /> <br />,liD Glass manufacturing and large glass products - such as <br />str:uctural and plate glass <br />,(j) Graphite and graphite products <br />(k) Hair. felt and feathers, bulk processing - washing, Cur. <br />ing and dyeing <br />.(1) Ink from primary raw materials, (including colors and <br />pigment) <br />:em) Insecticides. fungicides, disinfectants and related indus- <br />trial and household chemical compounds <br />'fn) Jute, hemp, sisal and oakum products <br /> <br />(0) Leather and fur tanning, curing. finishing and dyeing <br />(p) Machinery, heavy-manufacturing and repair including elee. <br />trical construction, mining and agricultural <br />(q) Machinery, miscellaneous light, and el~triCal equi~ent <br />such as washing machines, firearms, refrIgerators, aIr con. <br />ditioning and commercial motion picture equipment <br />(r) Machines business such as typewriters. accounting ma. <br />chines c~lculators and card-counting equipment <br />(s) Machi~e tools such as metal lathes, metal presses, metal <br />stamping machines and woodworking machmes <br />(t) Meat and fish prod,'ucts, packing and processing of, but <br />not including slaughtering and glue and size manufactur. <br /> <br />ing <br />(u) Metal alloys and foil, miscellaneous- such as solder, brass, <br />bronze, and tin, lead and gold foil <br />(v) Metal and metal products, fabrIcatIOn, assembly, treatment <br />and processing - such as enamelmg, Japannmg, lacquering <br />and galvamzmg <br />(w) Metal castmg and foundry products, heavy, incIudmg or <br />namental Iron wOlk, but not mcluding magnesIUm foun. <br />dnes <br />(x) Metals - precIous and rare - redHctIOn, smeltmg and <br />refmlllg <br />fy) Paper products, bulk such as shipping contamers, and <br />pulp goods, pressed or moulded (mcludmg papler mache) <br />carbon paper and coated paper stenCils <br />(z) Porcelam products such as bathroom and kitchen eqUip.. <br />meht <br />Upon application, it is the policy of the Village CounCil to con- <br />Sider amendments to the Zonmg Ordmance WhICh would add to <br />to this list those uses whIch are not specified but are campara <br />ble with listed permitted uses. <br />8.4-2 Pennitted Accessory Uses. The accessory uses ~rmitted in <br />areas zoned for general mdustry are identIcal to those permit. <br />ted in "1-1", Light Industrial Districts <br />8.4-3 Uses by Special Permit. The following uses require a Special <br />Use Permit in areas zoned for general industry. <br />(a) Heliports <br />(b) Service stations <br />(c) Storage, open and enclosed, of the following: <br />(1) Coal and gas <br />(2) Junk and salvage <br />(3) Refrigerating plants <br />(4) Scrap metal, paper and rags <br />(d) Motor Freight Terminals <br /> <br />SECl'ION , <br /> <br />SPECIAL PROVISIONS <br /> <br />9.1 SIGNS <br />Unless otherwise provided herein as a permitted use, no sign or <br />advertising device as herein defined shall be ~ maintained <br />or hung without a permit from the Building Inspector. <br />9.1.1 DefIn1tions <br />(a) Sign. A name, identIfication, de$cription, display, illustra. <br />tion or device which is affixed to. painted, or represented <br />directly or indirectly upon a building or o.ther outdOor sUt'. <br />face or piece of land, and which directs attention to an ob. <br />ject, product, place, activity, person, institution, organiza- <br />tion or business. However, a "sign" shall not include any <br />display of official court or public office notices nor a sign <br />located completely within an enclosed building unless here- <br />inafter specified. <br />(b) Sign. Business. A sign which directs attention to a busi- <br />ness or profession or to a commodity, service or entertain. <br />ment sold or offered upon the premises where such Sign <br />is located <br />(c) Sign. Flashing. Any illuminated sign on which the artificial <br />light is not maintained stationary and-or constant in inten. <br />sity and color at all times when such sign is in use. For <br />the purpose of this Ordinance any revolving IUl~mmated <br />sign shall be considered a flashing slgn. <br />(d) Billboard. A sign which directs attention to a business, com <br />modity, service or enterainment not sold or offered on the <br />premises where such sign is located. <br />(e) Sign, Gross Surface Area. Each surface utilized for display <br />shall be Included In area calculation and also symbols, <br />flags, wording, figures or other forms of graphics painted, <br />attached to any structure or otherwise suspended, advertis <br />Ing on persons, ammals or vehicles shall be considered as <br />a sign to be mcluded The area of said signs shall be cal- <br />culated from the outSide dimenSIOns of the frame. <br />(f) Sign, IlIwninated. Any sign on which artifiCial light is di- <br />rected on or from it. <br />9.1-2 <*neraJ Provisions <br />The follOwing shall apply to all signs hereinafter permitted: <br />(a) A sign shall be considered as a structure or a part of a <br />structure for the purpose of applying yard and height re- <br />gulations. <br />(b) Signs shall not be permitted within the public right-of-way <br />or easements except that the VIllage Council may, after a <br />report from the Planning CommiSSIOn, grant a special per. <br />mit for a period not to exceed two years to allow adver. <br />tising on bus stop benches, newspaper sales stands, and <br />special pennits for temporary signs and decoratIOns to be <br />strung across the right-of-way. <br />(c) illuminated signs giving off mtermittent, steady or a roo <br />tating beam shall not be perrrutted In any district. <br />(d) SIgns pertainmg to a non-conforming use shall be flat <br />against the buildmg or structure and shall not, m aggre. <br />gate, exceed 100 square feet. <br />(e) For the purpose of selling, renting or leasing any property, <br />a sign not in excess of ten square feet gross area in "R" <br />Districts and 25 square feet gross area m all other dis. <br />tncts may be placed within the front yard for a periOd not <br />to exceed six months. <br />(f) Signs shall not be painted or attached directly by an ad- <br />hesive to a building but shall be on a separate frame ex. <br />cept for incidental signs on display windows. <br />(g) Signs within a display window or attached thereto shall <br />not OCCUpy more than 30% of the window area. <br />(h) Signs which do not conform to the regulations set forth <br />in this Ordinance shall be declared a non-conforming use <br />or structure and as such shall be under the regulations set <br />forth in Section 3.2. <br />m Where signs are erected on commercial sites where two <br />(2) or more principal buildings and-or separate uses are <br />located on a single Site, it shall be the responsibility of the <br />owner of the property to allocate the permitted aggregate <br />sign surface area and sign location between the uses m <br />such a way as to confonn with the regulations herein sta- <br />ted in Section 9.1. <br />9.1.8. Sign Regulations in aU "R" Districts <br />The following signs are permitted: <br />(a) One name plate sign for each dwelling unit which shall <br />not exceed one (1) square foot in area per surface and no <br />sign shall be so constructed as to have more than two (2) <br />display surfaces. Said sign may indicate the name of the <br />occupant and-or address of the occupant and the type of <br />Home Occupation if such exists. <br /> <br />(b) One name plate sign for each dwelling group of six (6) <br />or more units, which shall not exceed three (3) square <br />feet in area per surface and no sign shall be SO construct. <br />ed so as to have more than two (2) display surfaces. Said <br />Sign may indicate the names of the buildings, project, be <br />a directory for occupants or state any combination of <br />pennitted information. <br />(c) One identification sign for each use other than residential <br />which shall not exceed 30 square feet in area With a seven <br />(7) foot maximum for any dimension. <br />(d) Directional signs of sufficient number are permitted for <br />the purpose of control, direction or orientation as deter. <br /> <br />mined by the Village Council but said signs may not ex. <br />ceed eight (8) lijquare feet per surface except as deemed <br />necessary by the State Highway Department and so loca. <br />ted along Trunk Highways and public right-of-ways as <br />deemed necessary by any public highway department. <br />(e) Billboards shall not be a pennitted use in "R" Districts. <br />(f) Illuminated or flashing signs shall not be permitted in "R" <br />Districts except for the illumination of permitted name <br />plates when the light shall not beam beyond the sign it- <br />self <br />9.1.4 Sign R~lations in "B" Districts <br />(a) Signs as permitted in "R" Districts <br />(b) Nameplate signs and-or business signs advertising a pro- <br />duct offered for sale on the premises or a service offered <br />by the busllless prOVIded such sign does not exceed 48 <br />square feet of area per surface. <br />(c) Withm the "B 1" District _ <br />(1) The number of square feet in the gross surface area <br />of all signs on a lot shall not exceed twice the number <br />of lllleal feet m the frontage of the lot, except where a <br />locatIOn is a corner lot, the amount may be increased <br />by half the number of lllleal feet along the side lot Ime. <br />The narrow Side of the lot shall be conSIdered the front <br />for purposes of thiS Ordlllance. <br />(2) No sign shall project more than six (6) inches across <br />the front yard or Side yard set backs. <br />(3) No sign shall project higher than sixteen (16) feet <br />above the curb level or grade of center lme of street. <br />(d) Within the "B 2", "B 3" and "SC" Districts the following <br />signs are permitted: <br />(1) The number of square feet in the gross surface area <br />of all signs on a lot shan not exceed three (3) times <br />the number of lineal feet of frontage on a lot, except <br />where a location is a corner lot the amount may be <br />increased by one and one-half (1-%) square feet of <br />sign area ~r front foot of public right-of.way along <br />the side lot line. The narrow side of the lot shall be <br />considered the front for purposes of this Ordinance, <br />(2) Directional signs as regulated under Section 9.1-3 (d); <br />of this Ordinance. <br />(3) No sign shall project more than 24 inches across the <br />front yard or side yard set.backs. <br />(4) No sign shall project higher than sixt een (16) feet a. <br />hove curb leveL <br />(5) Each shopping center development tOOnsistlng of a <br />group of stores operating under a common name in a <br />shopping center district may have a maximwn of two <br />pylon type signs not over thirty-five (35) feet in <br />height. Maximum sign area shall be 120 square feet <br />on each side. <br />9.1-5 Within the "I" Districts the folloWing signs are permitted: <br />(a) Name plate signs and signs advertising a product manu. <br />factured, assembled or handled by the fimn occupying the <br />premises or a service offered by the fimn OCC'Ilpying the <br />premises. The aggregate square footage of lSign surface ~r <br />site shall not exceed four (4) square feet: per front foot <br />of pUblic right-of-way. <br />(b) In calculating square footage those condiitions as 'stated <br />under Section 9.1-1 (e) shall apply. <br />(c) Directional signs as regulated under Sectiom 9.1-3 (d)' <br />(d) Illuminated signs provided that the source of light shall <br />not beam upon any part of an existing residence or into <br />an "R" District or into a street. <br />9.1-6. Billboards. These shall be considered as a business permitted <br />in the "I" zones and are not to be included as a part of the <br />permitted aggregate sign space unless the space is used in reo <br />lation to a use on the premises Billboards shall be pennitt6rl <br />according to the followmg regulations: <br />(a) The aggregate sign surface per site whiCh may be display- <br />ed snall not exceed six (6) square feet pen' front foot of <br />pllbltc right-of.way when said sign boards are the only <br />structure on the SIte. When a prmcipal use or structure <br />occupies the site the sign surface shall not exceed three <br />(3) square feet per front foot of public nghit-of-way except <br />that no allowance shall be granted for secondary street <br />frontage. <br />(b) Billboards shall be subject to all yard and height require- <br />ments WIthin the "I" Dlstncts m which they are located. <br />(c) Where a bIllboard IS illuminated, the source of light shall <br />not beam upon any part of an eXisting residence or into a <br />Residence DIStrICt or mto a street. <br />(d) Where a billboard is the only structure on a site the appli. <br />cant shall enter into an agreement with the Village to land- <br />scape and maintain the area between the structure and the <br />front property line according to a plan submitted and ap. <br />proved by the Village Council. <br />9.2 PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS <br />9.2-} Multiple Building Dwelling Units and Institutions <br />Multiple building apartment projects of integrated design In <br />appropriate locatIOns may be constructed on a prorcel of ground <br />not subdivided into the customary street and lot patterns With. <br />m the "R-3" and "B-l" Districts, and institutions such as col- <br />leges and universities and nursing homes may be permitted <br />in any district where they are a permitted pl'imcipal use, ac- <br />cording to the following proviSIOns: <br />(a) An application shall be filed with the Buil<iling Inspector <br />requesting that a specIal pennit be granted to proVide for <br />constructmg a multiple bUIlding apartment project on a <br />described site or a multiple bUlldmg institution. <br />(b) A site plan includmg dimensions, tOPOgraphy and such <br />other mformation as may be detennined b>y the Village <br />Council shall be submitted. <br />(c) The application plans and related material shall be referred <br />to the Planning CommiSSIOn for study and recommendation. <br />The Planning CommiSSIOn shall insure that the proposed pro- <br />ject conforms to those requirements applying within the <br />District in which it is located except as hereinafter mo. <br />dified: <br />(1) More than one principal structure shall be permitted <br />on a lot or parcel of land but the floor area ratio and <br />denSIty reqUIrements for the district shall apply. <br />(2) Private roadways within the project shall have an im. <br />proved width of not less than 20 feet in width when <br />parking is restricted and 28 feet where parallel park. <br />ing on one side is to be permitted. No part of the re- <br />quired 20 foot width shall be used to meet the off. <br />street parking requirements. <br />(3) Side yard requirements for each structure shall apply <br />between structures. . <br />(4) The Planning Commission in studying the proposed <br />project shall determine that the character of the pro- <br />ject will be in keeping with the district within which <br />it is located. <br />(5) The plans for a multiple building project must receive <br />the approval of the Village Council upon recommenda. <br />tion of the Planning Commission. <br />9.2-2 Planned Residential Districts <br />The purpose of this sub-section of the Zoning Ordinance is to <br />provide a method by which a parcel of land in the "R" Districts <br />having unusual building characteristics due to sub-soil, water <br />table, water area. location or shape may be utilized to a reason- <br />able degree. This sub-section shall apply to the "R-~", "R-2", and <br />"R-3" Districts according to the following provisions. <br />(a) The proposed project must receive approval of the Plan. <br />ning Commission and the Village Council and in SO review- <br />ing the request it shall be determined that it is impractical <br />to apply the regulations of the district to the whole of the <br />particular site. <br />(b) The proposed parcel of land shall have not less than three <br /> <br />(3) acres. <br />(c) The buildings shall be used only for residential pu.rposes <br />and the customary accessory uses.. <br />(d) The subdivision regulations as written in Ordinance 218 <br />and amendments thereto shall apply. <br />(e) The average square footage per dwelling for the entire pro. <br />ject exclusive of street rights-of-way and other public lands <br />shall not be less than 90%' of the square footage required <br />~r dwelling for the district Within which the project is <br />located. <br />(f) There shall be provided within the project adequate re- <br />creation areas to serve the needs of the anticipated popu- <br />lation to be housed therem and the plans for such recreat- <br />ion facilities shall be approved by the Park and Recrea. <br />tion DIrector. <br />(g) The number of dwellmg units permitted according to the <br />square footage requirements of the distncts within WhICh <br />the proposed proJect is to be located may be prOVIded in <br />one or more buildmgs according to the plan as approved <br />and recorded However, the Planning CommISSIon shall, <br />in consldermg the distnbutlOn of the dwellmg units, deter- <br />mine that the proposed reSidential enviroment will be de- <br />Sirable and m harmony With the character of the surroun- <br />dmg neighborhood and that It Will be consistent With the <br />intent of thiS Ordlllance. <br />9.2-3. Additional Requirements. Exceptions and Modifications <br />The requirements and regulatIOns specified heretofore m this <br />Ordmance shall be subject to the following: <br />(a) Height limitatIOns stipulated elsewhere in this Ordinance <br />shall not apply to - <br />(1) Church spires <br />(2) Belfries <br />(3) Cupolas and domes which do not contain usable space <br />(4) Monuments <br />(5) Water towers <br />(6) Fire and hose towers <br />(7) Observation towers <br />(8) Flag poles <br />(9) Transmission towers <br />(10) Chimneys <br />(11) Smokestacks <br />(12) Radio and television towers <br />(13) Parapet walls extending not more than three (3) feet <br />above the limiting height of the building <br />(14) Cooling towers <br />(15) Grain Elevators <br />(16) Elevator penthouses <br />However, if in the opinion of the Building Inspector, sum <br />structure would adversely affect adjoining or adjacent proper. <br />ty, such greater height shall not be authorized except by the <br />Village Council upon recommendation of the Planning Com. <br />mission. <br /> <br />JI.i' <br /> <br /> <br />Colttinued from pIoge 12 <br />. <br />land and the proposed change in zoning. At least ten (10) days be- <br />fore the hearing the Village Council shall mail an identical notice <br />to the owner and to each of the property owners within 250 feet <br />of the outside boundaries of the land proposed to be rezoned. Fail- <br />ure of the Village COlllncil to mail the notice or failure of the pro. <br />~rty owners to receive the notice shall not invalidate the proceed- <br />ings At the time of hearing the Village Council make take final ac- <br />tion upon the application or it may contmue the hearing from time <br />to time for further mvestigatron and hearing. The Council may al. <br />so request further information and report from the Planning Com. <br />mission. The Village Council shall not rezone any land or area in <br />any zoning districts without first having referred It to the Planning <br />Commission. Any other proposed amendment to this Ordlllance may <br />be referred to the Plannmg Commission for consideratIOn and rec- <br />ommendatIOn. <br /> <br />sEcnON'12 <br />REPEAL 'OF ORDINANCES <br /> <br />Ordinance No. hereby repealed <br />Ordinance No. 153 is hereby repealed <br />Ordinance No. 154 is hereby repealed. <br />Ordinance No. 156 is hereby repealed. <br />Ordinance No. 194 - Section 15, is hereby repealed. <br />Ordinance No. 225 is hereby repealed. <br />Ordinance No. 227 is hereby repealed. <br />Ordinance No. 231 is hereby repealed. <br />Ordinance No. 237 is hereby repealed. I <br />Ordinance No. 250 is hereby repealed. <br />Ordinance No. 253 is hereby repealed. <br /> <br />SEc.I.T29RZl . ..' .u>r' <br />qii} , ." ". ..... . ....... ". <br />~~ . l <br />'m N>" ~ '" oN" ~ ' ...; '. 'fflr" . .:.... '''- tf <br />- , " ~) 0, ",,,Ii'~ ~: .'T" .' :',;iiiiP""'~_ :-~ k <br /> <br />" 0 'A~;.r:--"4-~;:J~C; ~ ~r <br />t :) . 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I,j~;~~' ~ }~ ~ ..'" ~ 1 ::,{:{ ':irr: <br />~~ ;.~~ + ~ ~';~(l?r ~ It L: :t * <br /> <br />\j'l <br /> <br /><> <br /> <br /> <br />Iv <br />+ <br /> <br />. .. <br />* <br /> <br />.~ <br /> <br />'!f <br /> <br />SECTION 10 <br />ADMINISTRATION <br /> <br />10.1 ENFORCEMENT AND PENALTIES <br />This Ordinance shall be administered and enforced by the Buil. <br />ding Inspector who is hereby designated as the enforcing officer_ <br />The Building Inspector may institute in the name of the Village <br />of Roseville, any appropriate actions or proceedings against a vio- <br />lator as provided by law. Any person, finn or corporation who <br />violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply wIth, or <br />who resists the enforcement of any of the prOvisions of this Or. <br />dinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punishable <br />by a fine not exceedmg One Hundred ($l()().OO) Dollars or ninety <br />(90) days in jail for each offense. Each day that a violation con. <br />tinues to exist shall constitute a separate offense. <br />10.2 VALIDITY <br />If any section, subsection, sentence, clause. or phrase of thiSl <br />Ordmance IS for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall <br />not affect the valIdity of the remaining portions of this Ordi. <br />nance The Village of Roseville hereby declares that it would have <br />passed this Ordmance and each sectIOn, subsection clause, sen. <br />tence and phrase thereof, Irrespective of the posSibIlity that any: <br />one or more sections, subsections clauses, sentences or phrases <br />be declared unconstitutIOnal. <br /> <br />:"\O:1;oi:.wc <br /> <br />.:::;~~... <br /> <br />, <br />'I <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />'<II <br /> <br />I' <br />" <br />~ <br /> <br />. <br />~ <br />J <br /> <br />.1 <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />-l_ <br />1~7t2i.. 23- <br /> <br />I <br />, <br />.,ct"e'" ~ \ n__..~~' <br />".,,=c--."..;i)UKTY-~_ 0 <br />':, . - . :<....:~>> '!!; <br />.Q'::'~~ ~~~ ~~~#" . <br /> <br />10.3 CONFLICTING ORDINANCES <br />It IS the intent and it IS hereby declared that if any Section of <br />thiS Ordinance conflicts With any section of any other ordmance, <br />that the Section of either ordinance that places the greater re- <br />trictions shall prevail and be in force and effect. <br /> <br />10.4 FEES <br />To defray administrative costs of proceeding of requests for a. <br />mendments to the Zoning map, variances, or special permits, a <br />fee shall be paid by the applicant as follows: <br />Application for Rezoning $25.00 <br />Variance to the Ordinance $5.00 <br />Special Permit $5.00 <br />Fees shall be payable at the time applications are filed with the <br />Village Clerk and are not refundable unless application is wiU. <br />drawn prior to referral to the Planning CommISsion. <br /> <br />SEOrION 11 <br /> <br />AMENDMENTS <br /> <br />The Village Council may amend this Ordinance and the official <br />zomng map upon a two-thirds' (%) vote of the COunCIl. Any person, <br />fmn or corporatIOn owrung real estate in the Village of Roseville <br />may file an application with the Village Clerk in the form of a wnt. <br />ten request or petition to rezone their said real estate or such real <br />estate abuttmg thereto. The apphcatlOn shall be accompanied by an <br />abstractor's certified property certificate showing the property ow- <br />ners with 250 feet of the outer boundaries of the land proposed <br />to be rezoned. The Village Clerk shall refer such wrItten application <br />together with abstractor's certified property certificate to the Vil- <br />lage CounCil. If the application is in the form of a petition and con- <br />tains the signatures of fifty (50) per cent of the property owners <br />abutting the land affected, the VIllage Council shall refer the appli- <br />cation and related infdrmation to the Planning Commission. Any <br />other application may be referred by the Council to the Planning <br />CormmsslOn or returned to the applicant. The Village Council may <br />of its own ~otion initiate the request for rezoning and refer the <br />same to the Planning Commission. <br />The Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing affording <br />an opportunity for all partles interested to be heard and shall give <br />not less than ten (10) days nor more than thirty (30) days' notice <br />of time and place of such hearing, published in the designated legal <br />newspaper for the Village. Such notice shall also contain the des- <br />cription of the land and the proposed change in zoning. At least <br />ten (10) days before the hearing the Planning Commission shall <br />mail an identical notice to the owner and to each of the property <br />owners within 250 feet of the outside boundaries of the land pro. <br />posed to be rezoned. Failure of the Planning Commission to mail <br />notice or failure of the property owners to receive the notice shall <br />not invalidate the proceedings. WIthin sixty (60) days after the <br />date of reference by the Village Council, the Planning Commission <br />shall make a written report to the Village Council stating its find- <br />ings and recommendations. <br />The Village Council shall hold a public hearing within thirty (30) <br />days after the receipt of the report and recommendation from the <br />Planning Commission, If the Planning Commission fails to make <br />a report to the Council within sixty (60) days after the referral of <br />the application, then the Village CounCIl shall hold a public hear- <br />mg within thirty (30) days after the expiration of said sixty (60) <br />day period. Failure to receive a report from the Planning Commis. <br />sion as herein provided shall not invalidate the proceedings or ac. <br />tions of the Council. The Village CounCIl shall give not less than <br />ten (10) days nor more than thirty (30) dayS notice of time and <br />place of such hearing published in the designated legal newspaper <br />for the Village, and such notice shall contain a description of the <br />, <br /> <br />'C' <br /> <br />N~ <br /> <br />tr . "'" "" <br />w. , <br /><to _ 'J."....... oM ~:;:';;;:;;:';~~;~:::.~ <br /> <br />.- ~ <br /> <br />); <br /> <br /> <br />OmtInued on page 18 <br /> <br />CLEANING TIME IS HERE AGAIN! <br /> <br />Your Heating Plant Vacuwn Cleaned and <br />Completely Serviced. <br />Sununer Bates Till July 1st <br />AIl work Guaranteed. Air Filters. <br />()all Mi 4.5629 Now and Make Reservation <br /> <br />Ordinance No. 254 is hereby repea1ed.. <br /> <br />Ordinance No. 261 is hereby repealed. <br />SEOl'ION XIII <br /> <br />This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after <br />its passage and publication. <br /> <br />Passed by the Village Council this 12 day of May, 1959. <br /> <br />E. F. Cedarholm, Mayor <br /> <br /> <br />ATTEST: <br /> <br />.- <br /> <br /> <br />George W. Keene, Clerk <br />May 21, 1959 <br /> <br />A. H. Rapp Service Co. <br />1714 Eustis St. ' st. Paul 13, Minn. <br /> <br />L. <br /> <br />'> <br /> <br />2, I 29~ R. 23. <br />~ , I:: <br />~.v ~ ~...-."" R............... .a~I$~.;W ~ f M I-. <br />"""-'f...~ CO\{!fri:""", ~ '-::''J':f~' f:'1~ ""4 ~:~ ::: ~ . ("';. ~ ..JL . 'i1 ",;' F = <br />""- i . ~ ~ t" ~ ,r 1,["1'" ~ d;,. 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