<br />Table DP-l. Profile of General Demographic Characteristics: 2000
<br />Geographic Area: Roseville city, Minnesota
<br />
<br />[For Information on confidentiality protection, nonsampling error, and definitions, see text]
<br />
<br />Subject Number Percent Subject Number Percent
<br />Total population. . . . . . " .. .... . . . . . . ... .., 33,690 1 ao.o HISPANIC OR LATINO AND RACE
<br /> Total population. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . 33,690 100.0
<br />SEX AND AGE Hispanic or latino (of any race) . . 664 2.0
<br />Male.. . 15,675 46.5 Mexican. . 409 1.2
<br />Female. 18.015 53.5 Puerto Rican 30 0.1
<br />Under 5 years . 1.542 4.6 Cuban B
<br />5 to 9 years 1.676 5.0 Other Hispanic or latino 217 0.6
<br />10 to 14 years . 1.798 5.3 Not Hispanic or latina 33.026 98.0
<br />15 to 19 years . . . 2.161 6.4 White alone. 29.831 88.5
<br />20 to 24 years . 2.705 8.0 RELATIONSHIP
<br />25 to 34 years 4,177 124 Total population. . ....................... . 33,690 100.0
<br />35 to 44 years . 4,836 144 In households. 32.048 95.1
<br />45 to 54 years . 4.473 13.3 Householder 14.598 433
<br />55 to 59 years . 1.860 5.5 Spouse . 7.183 21.3
<br />60 to 64 years . 1,634 49 Child. 7,692 228
<br />65 to 74 years . 3.112 9.2 Own child under 1 B yoars 5.846 17.4
<br />75 to 84 years 2.651 7.9 Other relatives 803 2.4
<br />85 years and over 1.065 32 Under 18 years 197 0.6
<br />Median age (years) 41.0 (X) Nonrelalives . 1.772 5.3
<br /> Unmarried partner. 647 1.9
<br />18 years and over 27,549 Bl.B In group quarters. 1,642 4.9
<br />Male 12,582 37.3 Institutionalized population 702 2.1
<br />Female. 14,967 44.4 Noninslitutionalized population 940 28
<br />21 years and over 25.943 77.0
<br />62 years and over. . 7,784 231 HOUSEHOLD BY TYPE
<br />65 years and over 6,828 20.3 Total households. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 14.598 100.0
<br />Male. . 2,654 7.9 Family households (families). . 8,600 58.9
<br />Female 4,174 124 With own children under 18 years 3,247 22.2
<br /> Married-couple family. I 7,183 49.2
<br />RACE With own children under 18 years 2,525 17.3
<br />One race 33,133 98.3 Female householder, no husband present 1,054 72
<br />While . 30,150 89.5 With own children under 18 years 565 3.9
<br />Black or African American 945 2.8 NonfamiJy households 5.998 411
<br />American Indian and Alaska Nalive lOB 0.3 Householder living alone. 4,912 33.6
<br />Asian. . 1.646 4.9 Householder 65 years and over. 2.024 13.9
<br />Asian Indian . 303 09
<br />Chinese. . 572 1.7 Households with individuals under 18 years . 3,393 23.2
<br />Filipino.. . 56 0.2 Households with individuals 65 years and over . . 4,473 30.6
<br />Japanese. 78 0.2 Average household size. 2.20 (X)
<br />Korean. 168 0.5 Average family size. 2.82 (X)
<br />Vietnamese. 229 0.7
<br />Other Asian 1 240 07 HOUSING OCCUPANCY
<br />Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander. 28 o 1 Total housing units. . . . . . . . 14,917 100.0
<br />Native Hawaiian. . .............. .
<br /> 4 Occupied housing units . 14,598 97.9
<br />Guamanian or ChamoITo . 3 Vacant housing units. . . 319 2.1
<br />Samoan. .... 4 For seasonal, recreational, or
<br />Other Pacific Islander -; 17 0.1 occasional use. . 78 0.5
<br />Some other race , 256 0.8
<br />Two or more races 557 1.7 Homeowner vacancy rate (percenl) 0.5 (X)
<br /> Renlal vacancy rate (percent) 2.3 (Xl
<br />Race alone or in combination with one
<br />or more other races: J HOUSING TENURE
<br />White .. 30.622 90.9 Occupied housing units. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,598 100.0
<br />Black or African American. 1,168 35 Owner-{)ccupied housing units . 9,848 67.5
<br />American Indian and Alaska Native. 252 0.7 Renter-{)ccupied housing units. . 4,750 32.5
<br />Asian. 1,829 5.4
<br />Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander. 56 0.2 Average household size of owner-occupied units. 2.44 (X)
<br />Some other race . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ -. 364 1.1 Average household size of renter-occupied units 1.69 (X)
<br />
<br />- Represents zero or rounds to zero. (X) Not applicable.
<br />, Other Asian alone. or two or more Asian categories.
<br />2 Other Pacific Islander alone, or two or more Native Hawaiian and Olher Pacific Islander categories. .
<br />3 In combination with one or more of the other races listed. The six numbers may add to more than the total population and the six p~rcentages
<br />may add to more than 100 percent because individuals may report more than one race.
<br />
<br />Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000.
<br />
<br />u.S. Cen,u, Bureau
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