<br />Table DP- 3. Profile of Sehdlld ~..Mk: ~tk$: 2OGO
<br />Geographic area: Roseville city. Minnesota
<br />[Data based on a sample. For information on confidentiality protection. sampling error. nonsampllng error, and definitions. see tex!)
<br />
<br />Subject Number Percenl Subjec1 Number Percent
<br />Population 16 years and over. . . . . . . . .. .. I 28.319 100.0 Houuholds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.630 100.0
<br />In labor force 18,549 65.5 Less lhan $10.000 576 3.9
<br />Civilian labor force 18,520 65.4 $10,000 to $14,999. . al0 5.5
<br />Employed . . 18,075 63.8 515,000 to $24.999 1.425 9.7
<br />Unemployed. . . . . . 445 1.6 $25.000 to S34.999. . . 1.920 13.1
<br />Percenl of civilian labor force. 2.4 (X) 535,000 10 $49.999. . . 2,364 16.2
<br />Armed Forces. . . . . 29 0.1 S50.000 10 $74.999 3.220 22.0
<br />Not in labor force . 9.770 34.5 $75.000 to $99.999. . . . 2.007 13.7
<br />Females 16 years and over . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.327 100.0 $100.000 to $149.999. . 1.571 10.7
<br />In labor force . 9.167 59.8 $150,000 to $199.999. . 444 3.0
<br />Civilian labor force 9.149 59.1 $200,000 or more . . . . 293 2.0
<br />Employed . . . 8.964 58.5 Median household income (dollars) 51.056 (X)
<br />Own children under 6 yaars. . . . . . . . . 1.967 100.0 With earnings. 11,300 77.2
<br />All parents in family in labor force 1.3971 71 0 Mean earnings (dollars)' 60,233 (X)
<br /> I Wilh Social Security income 4.589 314
<br />COMMUTING TO WORK Mean Social Security income (dollars)' 14,044 (X)
<br />Workers 16 yoars and ovor . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 17,761 100.0 With Supplemental Security Income 297 2.0
<br />Car, lruck, or van - - drove alone 14.389 810 Mean Supplemental Securily Income
<br />Car. truck, or van - - carpooled 1.659 93 (dollars)' . . 7,828 (X)
<br />Public lransportalion (including taxicab) 453 2.6 With public assistance income 244 17
<br />Walked.... . 533 3.0 Mean public assistance income (dollars)' 2,990 (X)
<br />Other means. 143 0.8 With retirement income 3,124 21.4
<br />Worked at home 584 3.3 Mean retirement income (dollars) I 22.260 (X)
<br />Mean travel time to work (minules)' 20.0 (X)
<br /> Famlllos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.679 100.0
<br />Employod civilian population Less than $10.000. 129 15
<br />16 years and ovor. .. .... .. . . . . . . . ... .. 18,075 100.0 $10,000 to $14,999. 171 2.0
<br />OCCUPATION $15,000 to $24,999. 465 5.4
<br />Managemenl, professional. and relaled $25,000 to $34,999. 740 8.5
<br />occupalions .. 8.762 48.5 $35,000 to $49.999. 1,210 13.9
<br />Service occupations . 1,854 10.3 $50,000 to $74,999. . 2,319 26.7
<br />Sales and office occupations 4,916 27.2 $75,000 to $99.999. 1.642 18.9
<br />Farming, fishing. and forestry occupalions. 16 0.1 $100.000 to $149,999. . 1.384 15.9
<br />Construction, extraction, and maintenance $150,000 to $199.999. . 365 4.2
<br />occupations . . . . . . . . . .......... . 871 4.8 $200.000 or more. . . . . 254 2.9
<br />Production. transportation, and material moving Median family income (dollars). 65.861 (X)
<br />occupations 1.656 9.2
<br /> Per capita income (dollars)' 27.755 (X)
<br />INDUSTRY Median earnings (dollars):
<br />Agriculture. foreslry, fishing and hunting. Male full-time, year-round workers. 41,765 (X)
<br />and mining . . 64 0.4 Female full-lime, year-round workers. 32.389 (X)
<br />Construction . . 663 3.7
<br />Manufacturing. . 2,155 11.9 Number Percent
<br />Wholesale trade 573 3.2 below below
<br />Retail trade. . . 1,945 10.8 poverty poverty
<br />Transportation and warehousing, and ulilities 816 45 Subject level level
<br />Information 566 3.1 I
<br />Finance. insurance, real estate, and rental and POVERTY STATUS IN 1999
<br />leasing. . . . . . . . 1,546 8.6 Families. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224 2.6
<br />Professional, scientific, management. adminis- With related children under 18 years 193 5.6
<br />trative, and waste management services 2,149 11.9 With related children under 5 years 117 9.1
<br />Educational. health and social services . 4,844 26.8
<br />Arts. entertainment, recreation, accommodation F~~~~:~:~~e~:::,I~.~~~.~~~~~~~~..~~.... .1
<br />and food services 1.053 5.8 144 13.3
<br />Other services (except public administration) . 761 4.2 With relaled dlildren under 18 years. . . . .. ..... 141 23.5
<br />Public administraUon. . . . 940 5.2 With related children under 5 years. 84 36.7
<br />CLASS OF WORKER Individuals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,353 4.2
<br />Private wage and salary workers . 13.897 769 18 years and over. 1,030 4.0
<br />Government workers. . . _ . 3,405 18.8 65 years and over. . 180 2.9
<br />Self-employed workers in own not incorporated Related children under 18 years . 276 4.5
<br />business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 746 4.1 Related children 5 to 17 years. . 1,66 3.5
<br />Unpaid family workers . 27 0.1 Unrelated individuals 15 years and over. . . 740 9.8
<br />
<br />-Represenls zero or rounds to zero. (X) Nol applicable.
<br />'If {he denominator of a mean value or per capita value is less than 30. then lhat value is calculated using a rounded aggregate in the numerator.
<br />See text.
<br />Source: U.S. Bureau of !he Census, Census 2000.
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<br />u.S. Census Bureau
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