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<br />What are the MA Asset limits <br /> <br />.AssetS are what you own including cash. savings and non-homestead property. A person living alone may <br />own $3000 in assets and have a $1500 prepaid burial fund. A married couple or a family of 2 may own <br />$6000 in as.5Cts plus $200 for each additional person. Each person and each MA eligible child may have a <br />$1500 prepaid burial fund. <br /> <br />Some: assers that do not count arc: <br /> <br />· Homestead property, <br />· Mobile home used as your primary home. <br />· Burial space items. <br />· One moror vehicle under certain conditions. <br /> <br />For More Information <br /> <br />The information above can hdp you decide if you wish ro apply for MA. It does not cover all of the pro- <br />gram rules. Your county agency will need all the factS abour your situation before they can determine if you <br />are eligible. <br /> <br />For more information abom MA, read Minnesota's Health Care Programs (DHS-3182). or contact your <br />county agcncy. You can check our our websirc at: or <br />hlthcare <br />