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<br />City Council Regular Meeting - 04/10/06 <br />Minutes - Page 16 <br /> <br />Discussion included past practice and delegation of authority <br />to staff; clarification of the proposed process as proscribed <br />by the City Attorney; designation of independent hearing <br />officer (not on staff); <br /> <br />Councilmember Pust outlined the proposed process: the <br />Police Chief issues a letter to the violator and recommends to <br />the City Council that a citation be issued; the City Council <br />determines whether or not to enforce the code, and if a <br />citation is issued, the violator has ten days to appeal, with a <br />hearing before an independent hearing officer; with the <br />independent hearing officer making a recommendation to the <br />City Council following the appeal hearing; with the City <br />Council making the final decision. <br /> <br />City i\".ttomey Anderson concurred \vith Councilmember <br />Pust's summary; clarifying that the City Council would not <br />hold the evidentiary hearing. <br /> <br />Further discussion included knowledge and consideration of <br />past violations with someone, on behalf of the City, <br />providing evidence to past violations and the hearing <br />examiner considering prior history as part of the proposed <br />penalty. <br /> <br />Councilmember Ihlan expressed her concern that the three <br />cases from 2005, where a violation occurred and mandatory <br />minimum requirement set forth by ordinance was not <br />imposed, needed to be reconsidered. <br /> <br />Pust moved, Maschka seconded, authorizing the City <br />Attorney to amend City Ordinance, Chapter 302, to <br />incorporate the five-point process as outlined in the legal <br />opinion dated AprilS, 2006 and to provide consistency with <br />Minnesota Statute, Chapter 340A; and to return to the City <br />Council with a draft ordinance for Council consideration and <br />action. <br />