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<br />investiqated as necessary and presented to the City Council for consideration within 45 <br />days of submission of the complaint. <br /> <br />Section 4. Special Considerations. <br /> <br />Situations can arise where a member of a commission, a board, or the City Council abstains from <br />voting because of a conflict of interest, but his or her abstention becomes a vote either for or <br />against the matter because a majority are required to pass or reject that matter. This can happen <br />where four-fifths vote is needed to pass an issue, or the vote has to be a clear majority and a split <br />vote does not pass or reject. <br /> <br />When this happens, the City Attorney must be consulted and the final vote should carry a public <br />notice explaining what took place, and how it was resolved. <br /> <br />Section 5. Handling Alleged Violations of Code of Ethics. <br /> <br />/\.. /\n Ethics Commission is hereby ost3blishod. Tho Commission sh311 bo composod of three <br />individu3ls, t,,'/o of whom Sh311 bo residonts of the City 3nd the third sh311 bo 3 nonrosidont. <br />Initi31 3ppointments sh311 bo for torms of ono, bvo, 3nd threw ye3rs respectivoly. Thore3fteF, <br />awBintmonts sh311 bo for threo Y03r terms. Tho City Council Sh311 3ppoint 3 ch3irporson 3nd <br />socrot3ry from tho Commission mombership. <br /> <br />/\.lIeg3tions of viol3tions of this codo 3g3inst public offici3ls, oxcopt omployoes 'Nho 3re <br />subordin3te to the City !\43n3gor, sh311 bo roforrod to tho Ethics CommissioR--for investig3tion. <br />/\lIog3tions which m3Y constituto 3 viol3tion of 3 fedor31, st3to, or loc31 st3tute sh311 bo roforrod to <br />tho 3ppropri3to crimin31 3uthority. <br /> <br />Rosults of the invostig3tion of the Ethics Commission sh311 bo roporteEl-te-tho City Council 310ng <br />with tho COrrm:Hs&+on's rOCOmmeRd3tiqn for disposition. Thor03ftor, the GHy Council sh311 t3ke <br />3ppropri3te 3Gggf:rwRffih may includo consure ~0uRcil Mombef;-El+&Gip1ir\&ffi--:G+ty M3n3geF, <br />Gf-no 3ction. <br /> <br />+l=te--Gemm-i&&feR-&l=\aJ.I-Ge-RffifGt-af\- 0 rg 3 n iZ3ti 0 n 31 m eetiHfr-dtH=i n 9 J 3 n u 3 ry-ef-eactt-year,--aOO <br />tAefeaftef-mee+-eR-ly-at--t~8EfU8&t-ef-ffie-G ity Co unci lor City M 3 n 3gef-. <br /> <br />B. /\llog atioo&-a~t-FfuBtfG-t}ffiGiat&wR 0 3 re su befEl.iR-ate-te-tAe-Gity--M~er-iHGltf~iFe <br />GFtief-aOO-A&&iBtaH~iFe-GFtief.,--&l:taIl-Be-FtaF\tJ.leEl-by-me-Gity-MaHa~eFc'+Re-Gity-Ma~ef-may-take <br />afpro p ri 3 to (fisGif)+iR-aFy-aGtiBR-a~H&t-emp I 0 yoes viefatiH~tl=H&-G9El& <br /> <br />A Complaints alleqinq ethical violations by Public Officials must be submitte,cl in Wl'ltten form to <br />the City Attorney Complaints alleqinq ethical violations by City employee Public Officials <br />shall be.~1Jbmittecl in written form to the City Manaqer <br /> <br />B The City /\ttglllIT shall investiqate all ethics complaints pertainingJclflUi! <br />Officials Ui!f8SS the City Attorney has a conflicr, III willcll case outsicl,,; <br />assiqnecl til(l c;Q.r:I1Qlaint. Thej:dty Mc:lllaqer will invesJl~late complaliltS[Jertdll:!iLlglQ,emQlQ'LE:E: <br /> <br /> <br />