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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br /> Date: April 23, 2012 <br /> Item No.: 13.a <br />Department Approval City Manager Approval <br />Item Description: Discuss Council Attendance at League of Minnesota Cities Annual <br />Conference <br />B <br />ACKGROUND <br />1 <br />Each year the League of Minnesota Cities hosts a conference with educational and networking <br />2 <br />opportunities. Experts in a broad range of fields discuss issues of importance to cities. <br />3 <br />Participants share successes and learn from peers. This year the conference is June 20 – 22 at the <br />4 <br />Duluth Entertainment Convention Center. Some of the topics at this year’s conference include: <br />5 <br />Approaches to Waste Management, Unions and Labor Relations, Approaches to Service <br />6 <br />Delivery, and Citizen Engagement. <br />7 <br />PO <br />OLICYBJECTIVE <br />8 <br />Provide an affordable training opportunity for councilmembers. <br />9 <br />BI <br />UDGET MPLICATIONS <br />10 <br />The Council has budgeted $1,070 for Council Training. Cost for attendance is <br />11 <br />$99 for first time attendees who register by April 30 <br />12 <br />$295 for regular attendees who register by April 30 <br />13 <br />$350 for anyone who registers after April 30 <br />14 <br />$50 for pre-conference workshop who register by April 30 <br />15 <br />$60 for pre-conference workshop who register after April 30 <br />16 <br />SR <br />TAFF ECOMMENDATION <br />17 <br />Discuss City Councilmembers attendance at the League of Minnesota Cities Annual Conference. <br />18 <br />RCA <br />EQUESTED OUNCIL CTION <br />19 <br />Discuss City Councilmember attendance at the League of Minnesota Cities Annual Conference. <br />20 <br />Prepared by: William J. Malinen, City Manager <br />Attachments: A: LMC Annual Conference Flier <br />Page 1 of 1 <br /> <br />