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_ ~ - - <br />- - - _ <br />~- r _, ~ ,~ <br />~ ~ ~ , ~..~ <br />Subd. ~. 3 ~T ~?tr'`a (~a~I~1~e_cit~ma~f issue bo~~ds under <br />~~innesota Statutes, chapter X75, to f nancc tl~e coal expendittir~;~and improvement <br />rp a~~c~s c~asc~-ibed in subdivision 3. ~r~ election to ap 1~-ove the bands undar Minnesota <br />_~._.~.__~.~..,.~._._._~._..~,W_ _ <br />Statutes, section ~-'~.~~ is not rep fired. <br />~b~ Tl~e issuance of bonds u~~der this subdivision is not_suec~ to ~lin~~esota <br />Statutes sections ?75.0 and ~7~.d1 __~.__...._..~_._.._._.-~ <br />(c} "I l1e bons ttr-e not included in cor~~~p~~tin~ an~debt lit~~i.tat~a~~ ~~pcable~tc~ tll~~ <br />c~tv,_„anc~ t~~e 1e of ~a~es ~tncl~r ~~i~~nesota 5tat~~tes, soc Lion ~~5 ~i 1, t~.~,a~%.~~z i~7c_i~~al cif <br />any rnterest ors the bonds is 7~ot sub~cct to _anv l~:~r~.~ l~,n~~t~t~c~t~. <br />~c~.~ T17,~_,~.~-c:~~tteyf~rinci~~l amount of bondsw ~1~~ s the a ~ :Y~-cate; t~~~~~ _tisr;_c~ <br />directly to ~ ~ eli ~rible ca~aital ex.~er~clit~zl~s tal~d .improvements, may not <br />exceed$ ,plus an a~~~ou~~~t ec~tal _to the costs related to issttar~ces of the <br />bonds, including interest on tl~e bonds. _~ ~.~ ___....._.___ __.. <br />Vie) The sales and rise and excise taxes authorized in this section may be 1_~. ed€~;e~ <br />_._.______..W____ __.~_...._1__..~_~. <br />to and ~~sed_foz- tl~e ~a~%ment of the bonds and ar~y bc~t~cl~.i.ssued to refund then? az11y_if t1~~ <br />bonds and any refunding von_ds are general obligations of._.the c_ ~t~ <br />Sl~bd. ~. `'~il~'l~~~r~~ ~ `~Sa _The taxes imposed under st~bdivisians <br />1 and 2 expire when the Roseville city council detern~ines that the amount described in <br />subdivision 4, para~rapl~d~ has been received from the taxes to finance the capital and <br />administrative costs for the acquisitionLconstruction, ex ansion, and improvement of <br />facilities described in subdivision 3, plus the additional amount needed to pay.the costs <br />related to issuance of bonds ~znder subdivision 4. An.~r__funds remaining after completi©r~ <br />~f tl~e_~-oject and retirement ar redemption of tl~e bonds mad be.placed in the general <br />find of the city~The taxes im~~osed~under subdivision 1 and ? n~ay~expire at an earlier <br />time if the city so det~n-nines by ordinance. <br />Subd. d. ~T~ ~_T`a This section is effective the dau after <br />co~~lpliat~ce b the ~a~rernin~ bod~° of the city of Roseville with Minnesota Statutes <br />section X45.021, subdivision 3. -^. ----._.~ _ <br /> <br />