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<br /> <br />Nt ay 1, 2002 <br /> <br />City Council <br />City ofRosevil1e <br />2060 Civic Center Drive <br />Roseville, lVfN 55113 <br /> <br />Honorahle Ivlayor ancllYfembers of the City Council, <br /> <br />'rhe September 24th meet ing of the Rosevi l1e Ci ty COlll1cil held a public hearing on Planning File <br />#3225. The purpose of this hearing was to change the zoning of the Roseville Estates T'vlobile <br />Home Park (REtvtHP). <br /> <br />\Ve, the board of the Central Park 2nd Addition To\vnhome Owners Association of Roseville, <br />want to express the concern of our members about the changes that have been rnade to the <br />RENITIP since Sepleml1er 200 I . <br /> <br />Because we welcome irnprovements 10 any area of Rose vi lIe, we appreciate owner(s) of the <br />Mobile Home Park wanting to upgrnde the quality of the housing they offer and to improve the <br />appearance of the their property. <br /> <br />\Ve do ask, however, that the proposed changes he monitored for full and pro1'npt C0111pliance <br />with all aspects of the Roseville's City Code as stated in Residential Districts, Chapter <br />1004.1 O:R8 Nlobi Ie Tlome Dist ricts. <br /> <br />\Ve are also concerned about the storage area proposed for the corner of Rose and Pernwood <br />Court. Additionally, we \vollld like to he informed of the plan for the "Visual Screen" as <br />required hy the Roseville City Code so th,lt it \vollld be satisl~lctory to the CPTOA and also the <br />City ()fRoseviIle. <br /> <br />Please respond in writing to the President of CPTOA. <br /> <br />Thank YOll for your attention and your reply. <br /> <br />The officers of CPTOA: <br />. ) /) <br />.. f./-{LI ,) \ j < /1 ,) <br />President - Kat h leen B,)ll. '''~ 0/ / /t/CQJ_/I\ / -j{L(~C, <br />_. _._._----'---_./.--_._-----~-"._- <br /> <br />2597 Frenwood Ct. <br />Vice President - Richard Kuettel <br />2617 Frenwood Ct. <br />Secretary - Donald Smeeton <br />1231 IZose Place <br />rrreaSlIrer - Roger Rekstad <br />1241 IZose Place <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />,.-.' <br />